𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. spy games

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THE COLD rain hit June's face as she quickly hopped out of her jeep, jogging inside her house. The smell of candles and coffee filled the air as she stepped in her home, water dipping from her hair.

It was oddly quiet. Usually, Lia is sprinting down the stairs as soon as she walks in the house, but for some reason, there was nothing. "Dad?" June called out.

Her soft footsteps and calls seemed to go unheard to her father who was in his office, but she needed to talk to him. Today she was hurt. Her bestfriend was being sentenced and she wanted her father by her side. But, once again she knew that he would never be able to be there.

"Dad," she quickly stopped in her tracks near the door at the sight of Ward Cameron and her father.

"I don't care! We had a deal, Jorge. You will do this for me." Her dad seemed disappointed at this answer, "Ward, at this rate my daughter will have nothing. If I do this for you, I am ruined. My business will go to shit, do you understand?" June's eyes furrowed quickly as she listened through the crack of the door, confusion filling her body.

"Jorge! Do you not understand? Your daughter is with them— I was there when she was shot! If you do not do this I will be destroyed." Jorge seemed to back up at his answer, "Who shot my daughter, Ward?"

Ward scoffed sarcastically, "Are you serious?"

"Who shot my daughter?" He raised his voice this time, gritting his teeth angrily. Ward hesitated, shaking his head as he looked at the ground in shame. Her fathers eyes widened, standing straight as his hands fell in his hair, "I thought she was crazy! You told me it was just trauma— Ward we have been partners since we were in high school."

Ward shook his head, pushing him into the wall, "That has nothing to do with this, get your head in the game!" He only stared at Ward, all the dots quickly connecting. "You killed John, didn't you?"

"Fuck, Jorge. Your making this harder than it has to be. You will meet me in that boat." June took a step back in confusion, what boat? What were they planning?

"No. You can keep my money, but I will not help you." Ward stopped in his tracks next to the door, and as he turned around she took the chance as she sprinted up the stairs, her whole body practically shaking as she tripped.

June didn't know what she was doing as her shaky hands searched under her desk, quickly opening drawers and throwing everything out until she finally grabbed the dangerous object that sat in her hand.

Her mother gave her this when she was thirteen after she was cat called at the beach walking with Sarah. GLOCK 19, already locked and loaded. As she held it in her hand, she contemplated on why this was the first thing she reached for out of everything in her room. She felt insane, like she was losing her mind. "Fuck, fuck." Her hands shook with the object in her hand.

Her room was blurry as her phone continuously went off, shoving the object in her pocket, hopping up off the ground. "June?" Lia's door opening as she came out of her own room, rubbing her eyes in confusion.

June had so many thoughts running through her mind as she ran out of her beloved home. She wanted to kill him. She wanted her mom— but most of all how she wanted to end this once and for all.

She didn't know how long she was running, but it felt good as the wind hit her face, drying her eyes completely. Her legs hit the ground in a hurry, and when she finally snapped out of it she had no idea where she was, dropping in her tracks and out of breathe.

"June? Hey!" A familiar voice yelled, and she turned her head to see Topper, in his boat of course. "Oh, fuck." She hiccuped, quickly going in the other direction, but somebody was already there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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