𝐢𝐯. freshman year

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JUNE QUINN WALKED the hallways of Kildare Highschool, holding a peace of paper that told her specifically where too go. As she walked, her mind was filled with confusion before her frowned face turned into a smile at the sight of her three friends,

"Hey, losers." June smiled, riffling John B's hair as he pushed her hand away with an eye roll, "Yo you guys ready for highschool?" June wiggled her eyebrows, smiling, "All the ladies are gonna come too me." JJ winked, at a blonde who was walking as she chuckled, whispered too her friends,

"Oh, come on, JJ. It's gonna be me." Pope rolled his eyes at John B's words, "Uh-uh, I'm so rooting for Pope! He's gonna beat all you guys at your own game." She smiled at Pope's chuckle, sticking two middle fingers at her friends.

"I actually came over here too give you this like you asked," She said as she handed him a bag of weed, "Your a life saver. Here," JJ grinned widely as he quickly put it in his pocket, pulling a 20 out.

June gave him the meanest look, as she mugged him after a couple seconds and walking away. "Don't be stupid. Keep it buy you some food." June smiled, doing her signature hand shake with each of them before walking too class.

June ran the halls looking for her best friend before a rough body hit hers, knocking her over quickly, "Shit! Shit! I'm so sorry," The girl said. June looked up at her, holding her elbow before she noticed the beautiful girl infront of her.

"So sorry," She said as she helped her up, "No, it's fine. You new?" June raised her eyebrows, fixing her hair. "Yeah, I am." She nodded.

"Cool. I'm June." She stuck her hand out, a friendly smile on her face. Kiara was mesmerized. She had never seen somebody so pretty yet not even trying. "I'm Kiara."

"Okay, Kiara. I'll walk you too class, yeah?" Kiara nodded quickly, wanting to stay with her longer.

Kiara didn't know how long she was talking but, it felt so safe as she began ranting about her day, "It's so stressful. All the work is too much already." June agreed, "Exactly!"

"Anyways, I should get going. Nice meeting you, Kiara!" The way she said her name made her practically melt. The way it rolled off her tongue like she had been saying it her whole life.

"There you are!" Sarah laughed, grabbing her hand as they began sprinting too their next class.

AS SARAH CAMERON and JUNE QUINN walked the beach, giggling and laughing to themselves, holding a bag and a stick as they cleaned the beach,

"Girl shut up, he totally likes you!" June smiled, referring too the boy; Topper, Sarah had been swooning over. "He so does not." She giggled.

"Speaking of, who was that girl you were talking too earlier? New girl?" Sarah questioned. "Oh, this girl I bumped into." June shrugged, "Cool, cause she's been staring at us since we got here." June paused in her step, looking around. "Don't make it obvious!"

Once she spotted her, she waved, a sweet smile on her face, "Let's go." June hurried over there, holding her bags. "Sup, Kie." That nickname. The first person who ever called her that. And it came from her.

"This is my best friend, Sarah." Sarah waved, getting one back. "Wanna join us?" June asked, holding a bag out. "Yeah, um, sure." She slightly chuckled.

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