𝐱𝐱𝐢. static city

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NOSTALGIA was a common thing in almost everybody's life. Memories of Deju Vu, and small memories of your childhood— it comes in all sorts of ways.

Sometimes it can be a smell, or a person. Maybe even a pair of clothes.

But, as June walked into the Wreck she would never be able to rub off that familiar smell she got every time she walked into the restaurant. The smell of seafood and chicken was refreshing to her as she walkst in, a wide smile on her face.

"Hi, Mrs. Carrera." June greeted, earning a smile from Anna, "Hi, June!"

The pogues followed Kiara outside, giggling at Mrs. Carrera's shouting words to her daughter. "You should probably go back and get them chores done, Kie." June teased, rushing infront of her to look at her face as she walked backwards, "Shut up. Don't you have chores to, June Quinn?"

"Oh, I'm not sure? Possibly." She spoke in a British accent, earning a warm hearted giggle from the pretty girl infront of her.

"So we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ began, "Dude, there's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope shrugged, sighing as he sat down. "John B is gonna get nabbed sooner or later!" Kiara pointed out, "So, if we're going to clear his name, we need to have it done like yesterday."

JJ stood up, looking at the three pogues infront of him with mischievous eyes, "I'll tell you how we do it." June rolled her eyes, "Oh, you will? Lay it on us, Jay."

"We kidnap, Rafe." They all mentally face planted at his words. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ explained, gory thoughts immediately flooding June's mind, "You know, tortures a war crime."

"You know what, blondie?" June spoke up, "I'm down."

"That's what I'm talking about!" JJ clapped high-fiving the girl, "June, what?" Kiara grumbled, confusion laced in her voice.

"Come on! He shot me for Christ sake. I gotta get my get backs!" She mimicked punches, halfway serious as she looked at the two confused faces, "Yeah!" JJ agreed.

"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony." Pope told them, making them sigh in defeat, "Look, i was just trying to make it simple. One stop and we're done." JJ sighed.

June shrugged, "I think the offers still up to me." Kiara nudged the girl, a serious look on her face.

"Guys, all we need is a material witness. We saw Ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If somebody else flew they were there on the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered. And," Pope looked at June almost unsure of the words to use,

"Saw me get shot." June finished, looking at her feet as she did. "Right. We just have to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record." Pope explained, "How do we do that?"

"A little light espionage." June's eyes lit up as Pope smiled at her, "Spy kids 2.0." Kiara smirked widely at her, holding her fingers out, "Woogity-woogity?"

"Woogity, baby!"

June sat in the back of the car, rolling a blunt as she licked it on between her fingers, listening as the group spoke. "If this guy flew planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope stated, "So then direct approach gets my vote." June's eyes flicked over to JJ who loaded his gun, her heart pumping in her chest.

"JJ, no! Are you serious," Pope pointed in the backseat before quickly returning to him, "No what?"

"Put the gun down man!" Pope demanded, holding his hand out, "We gotta keep this simple, or we'll never get John B off." JJ said, eyes shooting behind him to a wide eyed June.

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