𝐱𝐢. midsummers

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           THE SOUND OF loud vibrations coming from downstairs was heard as June opened her eyes. Was her dad finally home? After what happened, she hadn't seen him for days. Maybe he was out smoking, playing poker, or just being a sheriff.

But, her first thought couldn't help but be the pogues.

JJ was probably going through hell with his dad and Pope was probably going through hell with his mind. God knew what John B was doing around this time.

The sound of her feet hitting the ground were heard as her two braids dangled, the smile on her face appeared at a brunette boy in a Spider-Man onesie, "Lucas?" She froze, putting her hands too her mouth, "There she is!"

June smiled at the face of her cousin, letting herself jump into his arms as her feet dangled, "Holy fuck! Wait, why are you in my kitchen?" She asked, pulling out the hug, "Come on, it's tradition!"

"What are you talking about," Then she paused. The only tradition the two have is midsummers day. Waking up to breakfast, watching summer movies and then, well— hang out with rich people all day.

"Oh, no!" June put her hands on her face before hearing the sound of his laughing, "Oh come on! Plus, you get to meet somebody very special to me." He smiled. "Who?" June mumbled into his chest as he smiled devilishly.

"My boyfriend." June jumped back at that. "No way." She smirked, "Oh, yeah." He wiggled his eyebrows, smiling at his now jumping cousin,

"Oh my god, I'm so curling your hair with rollers! Your gonna look hot!" June clapped her hands, pushing him out the way to get to the pancake mix.

"Okay, and she's back." He teased, walking to get the sausages.

The day was overall amazing, like always. Every year they did this. It never got old. She sat at her vanity with the biggest smile on her face as she curled his hair. "Let's talk about you and Sarah." Lucas spoke, "She's still my best friend." June shrugged.

"Best friends write sticky notes that say "I love you, miss you already?" Doesn't sound suspicious to you?" He said, making June groan as she took in a deep breathe ready to start rambling,

"I'm like totally in love with her. She's like one of the best things that ever had happened to me. And she totally blew me off! We practically tongue banged eachother and I never even got a call back! Complete bull shit!" June rambled, Lucas watching her through the mirror with a wide eyed face as she did.

"Wow. So you guys have taken in farther?" Lucas asked, putting his ice coffee down, "If your asking if ive token her pants off yet, no. It's not something I'm excited to do. I just wanna be with her. Just her. Nobody else." June grumbled putting the curler down as she walked to her closet.

"Does she know that?"

"Of course she does! She's a little shit!" June yelled, making him laugh. "She's probably just really scared. Your in the closet and so is she." He shrugged, "Not really. The whole island has basically accused and guessed I'm a 'lesbo' so— I mean it's definitely true but," Lucas scoffed at her, getting up from his seat as he reached for his shoes.

"Is Devin ready?" She asked, "Yeah. He's on his way to the party now, he said to meet him by the bar." He shrugged, "Cool."

June walked out in her dress and Lucas dramatically dropped his phone, "Hold the front door." He yelled. "What?" June let her consciences come back as she thought of all the things that could be wrong before he shook his head,

"Cuz, you look amazing." He grabbed her hand, leading her to the mirror.

The dress was baby pink and her hair was down, which she rarely does. Her pink and white flower crown made her skin pop, her tan face showing in the light. The dress was slightly corseted on the waist, whilst leading to a lightly poofy bottom. Her eyes glistened as she stared at herself.

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