𝐱𝐢𝐢. jack pot

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JUNE HADNT SLEPT. Her eyes were bloodshot red and extremely dry as she had kept them open all night. Her white tank top was lightly wet from her tears and overheating. God, she was so upset.

She was so worried about John B falling banging Sarah, which probably wasn't the case, while he was falling from a tower.

Her heart pumped into her chest as she looked at her window, the sound of birds chirping making her snap back into reality. What if he was really hurt? Where is Sarah?

More importantly, what's gonna happen with her and Kie?

They kissed. And then Kiara said some out of pocket shit about her best friend. Even though June was lied to, she was no fake friend. Now, her and Kiara probably despise each other more than before.

Flashes went through her mind of the whole night and remembering what Camila said to her. Why would she say that? How heartless could you be? I mean, she did put a knife to her throat but, that was long over-do.

A wave of anxiety shot through her bones at she heard a muffled ringing. "Hello?"

"Junes?" It was John B. "Oh my god. Are you good?" She shot ul at the voice, genuine worry thriving in her body, "Fine. Just come to the Kiara's restaurant." And then he hung up.

She shook her head, throwing her phone across the room in anger. She didn't know what was wrong with her. "Junie?" Her dad mumbled, speaking through her door.

"Come in." June spoke up, giving him a small grin, "You okay, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, dad." She nodded, watching him sit down next to her. "I'm sorry. I wasn't hear for you last night, i heard about John B." June shook her head, "It's okay. JJ and Pope, um, drove me home." Her nodded, "They're trouble. That stunt you pulled,"

June shook her head, "If your gonna talk about having fun and doing stunts you should just get out." Her voice was sturn but soft as she walked towards her closet.

He put his head down in failure, "Your so much like your mother. So stubborn." He shook his head. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Say shit like that." June batted her eyes, letting them go low as she noticed her dad staring at her, "Baby, are you okay?" He stood up.

"Stop asking me that."

"You don't look good. At all." June chuckled, "Thanks!" She smiled, throwing her arms up. "June, watch your attitude. You should stay home."

"You can't say anything about staying home either. Your barely here, Dad." June looked him up and down. "Cut it out. I came in here to have a civilized conversation with you."

"Is this one of your little episodes? Should I call Ms. Harris?" He pulled out his phone, "Oh my god, Dad! I'm not a fucking Guinea Pig! I don't need, Ms. Harris, I'm fine!" June pointed at her heard, watching him laugh at her reaction broke her heart.

"This is not happening. You've been acting like this for days!" June shook her head, "Im not acting like anything your just pissing me off!" Her whole body was shaking. And her dad wouldn't stop pressing every button on her heart and mind.

"Your staying home today! I don't wanna see you even try to leave the house. You can be locked in here for however long, I need you to be!" Her dad screamed as he walked away, only for her to follow close behind him.

"Fuck you, Dad! Seriously! Fuck you! Okay? You want me to be this perfect princess and I'm not. I'm nowhere near it!" Her face was now red, and her mind was about to explode as she screamed, "You purposely do this every time!"

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