1. Mind over matter

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"What do you mean I had to GO to college for studying!!! I'm doing fine..."
Tankhun said loud and clear for everyone to hear.

"No more shouting at dinner table." Mr. Korn said calmly but with a hint of warning. Also in vain cause Tankhun doesn't know how to talk like a normal human.

"I am not going out of this house and that's final." He pointed at everyone with his butter knife.

"Dear son it's for your own good. You have to finish your study...."

"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow at his father.

"What do you mean by Why? It's for your future of course."

"Huh! My future is already bright." Tankhun said proudly.

"Yeah, it's too bright that I can't even see it." Kim humped.

Kinn and Porsche hide their smile with great effort. Tankhun glare at every one then he tried to threaten his little brother.

"Hey Kim if you disrespect me one more time. I'm gonna cut your useless tongue with this knife."

"Khun put your butter knife down. And Kim don't tease your brother. And you Kinn?"

"Yes father?" Kinn looked at his father.

"Tell Khun's guard to take him tomorrow for shopping." After hearing word 'shopping', Tankhun looked at his father with sparkling eyes. "Tell them to buy everything that's necessary for a college student." Sparkling eyes gone, only a death glare remains.

Mr. Korn ignored Khun's sulking face and left the table calmly, leaving everyone to tease his beloved son.

"Why the hell are you all laughing about!? I am not GOING anywhere.!" Tankhun yelled when Kim, Kinn and Porsche was grinning from ear to ear.

"What was dad thinking to send our crazy brother for studying.. gawd I can't even imagine HIM in freaking college uniform." Kim continued his teasing.

Tankhun throw his used tissue paper at his face. From the corner of his eyes he saw a few guards, they were also hiding their smile. Bloody hell!

"Urgh! I don't want to go.. why should I? Huh? Both of you goes to college. Why does dad want me to go too? Well, you both go and study.. and it's not that you both achieve anything big or something.." After receiving double-glare from his brothers Khun changed his tone. "Ahmm well, I am not interested in business like you Kinn. And I don't want to learn about music like you Kim. I'm happy with my karaoke room so why in the happy world I would go to college? Huh?"

Khun asked everyone present at the dinner table. But no one answered. They were busy enjoying his current situation. The way he was going crazier.

"Hey Kinn you are the leader of Major family. You go and talk some sense to our old man."

"Me!?" Kinn pointed at himself with his fork. Khun rolled his eyes.

"No I'm talking to this chicken leg in your plate. You idiot." Kinn first looked at his own plate then to his brother.

"What do you truly desire?" Kinn asked with his serious-leaderlike tone.

"Frankly, I desire many things.... but for now I don't want to go college.. wearing stupid uniform, carrying bag pack, sitting in ugly class, listening to boring lectures, eating cheap food from canteen..." Khun shudders at his own imagination.

"Don't be so dramatic. It's not that bad you know." Kinn said while looking at Porsche for help.

"Hey don't look at me. I can't deny Khun's words. He draws a vivid picture of student's tough life." Porsche said honestly.

"Thank you, Porsche for supporting me." Tankhun almost hugged Porsche.

"I'm not supporting you, Khun. I think you should give it a try. You are not the first human to study at college. You're our eldest brother, be brave for once. Show that you're not as crazy as everyone said you are."

Porsche was speaking, Khun's face turned red, Kim returned the same used tissue that Khun threw at him a few minutes ago. Now that tissue was thrown at Porsche, which Kinn caught easily.

"Look Khun we are not your enemy. Okay? We also want what's best for you. Trust me and just give it a go. I'll help you. It's my final year at college. So it's better if you go now." Kinn tried to reason his eldest brother.

"Yeah, Kinn's right. And look at me I'm also in 3rd year. Even though we're in different faculties but at least we're in same in year. Don't worry after Kinn's graduation I'll help you." Kim also push Kinn's point.

Now all the eyes in the hall were fixed on Tankhun.
"Oiiiii.. fine I'll go. But I won't wear uniform. EVER. Not in this life." Tankhun shouted and left with his usual dramatic style.


Tankhun's POV:

I will never submit to anyone. I'm eldest son of the Mafia king. You think you can change my mind.? Nahhh. Never. Not in this life.

It's 10 in the morning. The whole night I tried to make an escape plan. At dawn I realized something or 'someone' more precisely.

Do you want to know my next move!? Let me give you a hint.

In this cruel world, no one can save you if you don't try to save yourself.

Look I don't want to be rude...
But I'm freaking eldest son of Major family.
Nobody can force me not even my dad... period.


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