99. The best is yet to come..

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Dear Readers,

For celebrating the 24.3k views, here's the 99th chapter. Enjoy!

I know... I know it took me so long to publish it... But it's gonna worth the wait, I think. Hehe

Have a sunny summer!

_A.S. Styles^^


Tankhun's POV:

"Amy are you sleeping? Again!! Please don't.." I made a pout but got zero reaction.

"Come on~~ wake up! Talk to meee! I've waited this much just to get a kick, a slap, many punches and curses!" I whine while counting everything as if I'm going to take revenge. Hah!

"Fine you can sleep but first come out and eat something, hmm?"



I sat back when my knees started to hurt after sitting on the hard floor. I tapped on the floor with my nails, my eyes fixed at the ungrateful sleeping brat who used up all of her remaining energy while beating the nerve out of me and now that her battery is low she sleeps back to charge herself, I think.

"If you're not planning to get up this second I'm gonna...." I thought for a moment ".. I'm gonna tickle you. And it won't be funny..."

No reply!

"Did you hear my threat? I'm gonna touch you and it's gonna hurt." I yelled a little louder, but didn't mean what I said, not literally.


Damn I wanted to smack this stubborn girl and run away!

I hate this feeling when she chooses to sleep over me. ME! I'm the first born of my clan and this beautiful now pale girl is testing my limits.

"Fine! Sleep all you want! Just so you know I'm not going anywhere till you wake up! I know you can hear me!"

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously then punched the edge of the bed and raised my fist to do that again when she moved around to sleep on her side while facing me directly.

Oh bloody heaven! I gasped when I almost accidentally hit her.

"Who told you to move around!!?" I complained while pointing a finger at her face. Her face.....

Instantly, my lips twitched to smile and I brushed her bangs away forgetting all the annoyance I was feeling in a millisecond.

"Haaa~ My beautiful Amy~~" I sang out softly and moved forward to put my elbow on the edge and leaned my head on the arm sideways to see her.

"Don't misunderstand me, Amy! I can be many things but a pervert! I did nothing wrong to you! Also I'm not fiddling petty to take advantage of anyone, especially you." I pressed on the last word.

Now that she's not listening to me, I decided to explain myself. A thing I don't like to do, even if you put a gun on my head you can't bring me to explain myself.

She changed me....

"I'd accepted the beating on my free will, to help you vent your confusion and anger... to make you feel better. It's true I touched you a lot in these past twenty four hours... and every time I did my subconscious was alerting me for the consequences..." I stopped to chuckle and felt a tingling ache on my cheek.

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