78. The closure!

193 11 6

Author's POV:

'When the heart truly understands,
it lets go of everything.'

Amy was going out with Big but didn't forget to look back at her pretty boy, who was busy shooting and shouting equally loud without killing anyone.

She tilted her head and sighed while looking at him.

There was something in her eyes.. the way she was looking at everyone one by one as if it's the last time she was seeing them.

At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.


Her eyes stop at the gray guy.

"Leo Screaigh!" She yelled to get his attention, gray eyes shifted in the crowd to find his alluring Amy.
"I'm still counting on your words." She pressed on the last word.
"Say good night to Luv from me." She didn't forget to warn him, politely.

Leonid made a serious face and glared at her severely at the mention of his nephew, his heart.

"You mean Lev." Big corrected her from behind.

"He know what I mean." She replied without even looking back, keeping her dark eyes at the gray guy, leaving Big speechless.


"Miss Amy this way!" Big whispered in his deep voice.

She look at the door Big was pointing at, she half ran with him, leaving everyone behind.

Getting out wasn't that simple as it sounds as Big keeps shooting every now and then while keeping her close, mostly behind him.

She felt irritated while walking cause something kept poking her foot inside the shoe.

She took two napkins and put them inside her pocket. Big saw that but didn't bother to ask.


Tankhun watched his beautiful Amy leaving..

He watched her back all the way towards the door and then she was gone.

He pursed his lips to stop himself from crying but..

'I hate you!'

She shouted at him. Her last words echoed in his ear. He sat down while covering his ears.

"She didn't mean that, not literally.. she was just angry and scared because of this mess."

He blabber to himself while shaking his head in no, not accepting the reality or her words.

He wanted to be the one to take her out safe and sound as he was the one who brought her here in the first place.

"She cut her hair."

A wandering tear ran down his face.

He didn't wipe that away.

He loves her long hair and she cut them short....all because of him.

Even though she expressed her hatred towards him, he still loves her.

She left without a word. And it felt...

"It felt like it was the last time...."


He shook his head a little too much throwing the unwanted thought out of his head.

He grabbed his hair in his fists, messing his hairstyle.

A minute or so later he raised his head.

Something changes in his eyes as if he made a decision for himself.

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