73. Mini concert!

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Swimming Competition done, now next stop is the mini concert!

All of us ran to congratulate our friend, Nanon.

I was the first to say congratulations with the brightest smile possible to show him that I am so happy for his winning.

Everyone did a handshake except me...
Everyone gave him a hug except me...


I was the first to leave as I had to go somewhere else but even then, surprisingly enough, everyone followed me behind - closely.


I rolled my eyes all the way to the hall of fun.

No matter how hurried we were the concert had already begun and our charming boy was performing in his uniform looking handsome as always.

Han was wearing black pants with a uniform shirt with a loose tie. I never thought that a uniform could look so fine on someone before.

I halted at the entrance watching the crowd. How can I..

I was thinking when a hand appeared in front of my sight.


"Walk behind me, closely." He ordered and I obeyed.

Both Joy and Day took me both sides while Bright came behind me.

Did they plan this together?

They walked in sync giving me a heartwarming protocol and stopped near the stage.

A wide smile appears on Han's lips, holding the mic, while looking in a certain direction. Me and my friends turn to look if he finds someone special and..

Ahh cute Porchay!

My junior was swaying on his feet while clenching his fingers together shyly. My other junior was frowning at his cousin performing on stage.

Lev saw me looking at them and waved his hand in the air for me to see that he's here too.

I chuckled lightly as my juniors were faster to get here. I bet they left right after the winner announcement earlier.

I turned my attention to the stage and found the Charming Han looking at me.

That's when I remember the thing he wants me to do.

I shook my head in a little no and he lifted his eyebrows while tilting his head sideways, challenging me to step back at the last moment.

Come on~

How can I..

I made a pleading face that didn't work on him.. brilliant!

"Is there a problem?" I heard a voice near my ear.

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