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I get ready and came to the main hall where Pete and my guards were waiting for me. Seeing Pete standing with them gave me a nostalgic feeling. I missed him. They were talking and laughing. But after seeing me coming, their smiles disappear but for some reason their mouths dropped open.

"Khun... Your outfit!" Arm said.

"I know. I know. I look dashing. Pete let's go." I said proudly.

"Ummm Khun. can we left this jacket at home?" Pete asked nicely.

"Why?" I asked.

"You can't wear this for college Khun." Pol said and make a face.

"What the hell are you guys up to? This is the latest jacket from a famous brand. I bought this recently why can't I wear it?" I was annoyed.

"Not just jacket you can't wear these shoes too." Arm said pushing his glasses on his nose. Pete and Pol also look down on my shoes. It seems they also agreed with what Arm said.

"Fine," I said they all looked relieved. "I'm going back to my room for sleeping. Pete you can go back." I spin on my feet to leave. They all looked at each other dumbfounded. Then suddenly they grab me from behind.

"LET ME GO YOU BUNCH OF IDIOTS." I shouted from top of my lungs. But they were too strong.

They held my both arms and almost drag out of the house. Everyone else one was watching the scene. Pete put me in the backseat of his car and sit beside me.

Wait who's going to drive his car I looked at the driver.....bloody Vegas!?

He turned to look both of us. And gave an are-you-for-real look to me. Urgh! I hate this guy... literally.

"Why is he here?" I asked Pete and pointed at Vegas, almost touching him.

"This is MY car." Vegas rolled his eyes.

"Where is your bike? Pete why did you brought him with you?"

"I didn't. He just tags along." Pete tried to explain. Vegas raised an eyebrow at him. "Actually, he didn't allow me to come alone. So, we just kind of negotiate. I can go anywhere as long as he's with me." I make a face. "I just want to see you going to college, wearing uniform and everything." He tried to sweet-talk me. But I know better.

"Fine. I'm happy that you came." I smiled back at him.

"Let's go Vegas." Pete looked excited.

"I'm not taking this clown to the college. Look at him he's going to ruin our image." Vegas said as a matter of fact.

"Who wants to go with you... You psycho. And what do you mean by 'our image'?" I moved my hands in air dramatically.

"Me, Kinn, Porsche, Kim..." He starts counting on his fingers. I want to crush his hand badly.

"I am going to slap your damn mouth with my shoe..." I tried to raise me foot.

Vegas was about to say something but Pete gave him a shut-up look. Good job Pete, leave this psycho and come back to me. Vegas glare at me as if he knew what I was thinking. I smirked. Just to add fuel on fire. He smirked back I felt goosebumps.

Vegas drive his car like a bloody rocket. I was screaming so hard that my throat become soar. He took revenge in a fast-and-furious way. My heart almost came out of my mouth. Pete tried his hardest to make me stop screaming.

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