Into the Storm

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Chapter 34
{Alissa's POV}
That night, I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. We should reach the Ocean Oasis by noon, tomorrow. As the name suggests, it's a beautiful island with springs and beaches.
The ship went over a large wave and I rolled onto my side. The sea was getting pretty rough. Curiosity took over and I rose from my bed and walked over to my window. I pulled the curtains back and felt my breath catch in my throat; the sky was dark, the waves choppy, and rain was beginning to fall. A bolt of lightening lit up the sky. The crack of thunder sounded, and I fell back onto to the floor.
Dozens of unwanted memories poured loose into my mind. I grabbed my head in my hands and sat there, paralyzed.
"Alissa?" A voice came through my door. "We're entering a storm. I wanted to check on you." It was Ace.
I couldn't find my voice to respond. I crawled to my bed and slid under it, curling up into a ball.
"Alissa?" He knocked again. "Are you in there?" I couldn't respond. Seconds later, he forced the door open. He searched the room, and spotted me in my hiding place.
"Alissa! What's wrong?" He asked.
My voice was still lost. Thunder struck, causing me to whimper and press on my ears.
"You're scared of the storm." He concluded. He thought for a moment, then stood and marched out from my room. Thunder struck again, and I shrunk further into my hiding place.
Ace returned, then closed the door behind him.
"Alright. The guys know I'll be down here." He took the blanket from my bed and draped it over me. Then he sat with his back against the wall next to me. "We can stay down here until the storm passes."
The wind outside mixed with the strength of the waves and the window blew open.
Ace was up and to the window in seconds.
I closed my eyes as tightly as I could as my memories swamped over me.

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