Are You Serious

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Chapter 23
I sat back on my heels and wiped a dirt covered arm across my forehead, removing the sweat beaded there.
"You're quite the tomboy, aren't you?" Warren asked, holding out a hand.
I took it and stood up. "Don't use that word. It irritates me when people segregate because of sex. I simply have the skills that a typical man would have because I've lived on my own for most of my life." I responded.
He held his hands up. "Alright, alright. Forget I mentioned it."
"I will." I told him. "Now, we've finished this room. I'm going to head over to the mess hall to check on the conditions over there. Care to join me?"
He shrugged. "Why not? It could be fun."
I gave him am annoyed look. "That's what you said last time. You could be a little more creative with your responses." I said as we headed for the door.
"Why? If something works for me, I'd like to use it." He insisted.
Ignoring him, I pulled the door open and stepped out onto the upper deck. I turned to my left and found the staircase to the main level. I took it, aware of Warren on my heels. He followed me through the packs of men scattered throughout the deck and to the mess hall.
"Hey, Alissa. What's up?" Daichi asked from the stove.
"Just checking the nature of things. Do you know of anything in here that could use repair?" I responded, placing a hand on my hip and scanning the room.
He thought for a second. "Um, nothing immediately comes to mind, but feel free to look around." He said.
I nodded. "Will do. Thanks, Daichi."
With that, I began to examine each bench, table leg, and surface in the room. To my astonishment, nothing was wrong in the whole place.
"We're not allowed to mess around in here." Warren explained as I emerged from beneath a table. "Daichi's really protective over his area."
"His area?" I confirmed.
He nodded. "Yeah. The guy spends ninety percent of his time in here, so, it's practically his room on the ship."
I looked to the chef. "Oi. You really spend a lot of time in here?" I called, walking to the counter.
"Of course. I practice every day to improve my cooking." He said.
I raised an eyebrow when I saw what he was putting in his skillet filled with water. "You sure? Because you don't mix olive oil with water. Nor milk." I added, seeing the carton next to it. "What on Earth are you trying to make?"
"A new recipe for chicken." He replied, pausing as he reached for the carton. His expression was that of a daring one, as though he wanted me to challenge him.
"You can't mix those three; they contradict one another." I continued.
"How would you know? Besides, I've been cooking far longer than you have." He spat.
"Please. Just because you've had longer doesn't mean you're the better chef." I retorted, stepping around the counter.
"Oh, I see; you think you're better than me!" He laughed. "You're food would never come close to my food in a contest."
"Want to put your skills to the test?" I pried.
"Chicken. Cooked over the stove." He began.
"Winner has to make the loser whatever snacks they desire throughout the day, no matter what they're doing, for a week." I finished.
"Deal." He said, holding out a hand.
I accepted it, and we shook on it. I in clipped my tool belt and past it to Warren, who traded it for an apron.
"Wipe that smirk of your face." I told him as I washed my hands. I then moved to the freezer to get some chicken out so it could defrost.
"What smirk?" Warren teased.
I ignored him once more and grabbed a few spices from the cabinets. I reached under the counter and pulled out a pan. Then, I gathered the other ingredients; butter, onions, honey, etc. I set to work, melting the butter in the pan, then slowly adding in the spices and onions.
"You do realize you have to cook the chicken, right?" Daichi asked, a smirk on his face.
"You do realize your skills are lagging, right?" I countered. He grunted and returned his focus to his work.
As time progressed, the scents of our food began to reach the other crew mates. Curious to see what it was, they all migrated in. The first few simply took a seat, making bets once they realized what was happening. Then, once Lyle found his way here, he stood out the door and shouted, "Oi! Alissa and Daichi are having a cook off!" After that, the pirates all found a seat.
I was putting the chicken on the stove when Ace came up to the counter. "What are you doing?" He inquired.
"Cooking you all lunch. Oh, and putting a chef in his place." I added as though it was obvious. Ace simply chuckled and fell silent to leave me to my cooking.
After another ten minutes, Daichi was done. I took three more minutes after that to put my food on a plate. 
"Who's the judge or who'll be the judges?" I asked Daichi.
"Not the captain or Warren; they're easily influenced. How about Max, Akuto, and Trevor?" He tried.
I nodded and called the men foreword. We set Daichi's dish in front of them first, and waited while they each took a bite.
"Good as always, Daichi." Akuto said.
"It's a bit sour, but the taste of it is still decent." Max stated.
"Sorry, but the flavor is all out of whack." Trevor finished.
Next was mine. I waited as the look on their faces changed to an expression I couldn't decipher.
"Alissa..." Akuto whispered. "This is probably the best chicken I've ever had."
"Same here. It's perfectly seasoned, not overcooked, and full of flavor." Max complimented.
"I don't think I could put it any better. I just- This is great." Trevor claimed.
"So, the winner is Alissa?" Ace questioned. All three nodded as they took another bite of my food.
The whole crew burst into a mix of laughter and cheers. I turned to Daichi and held out a hand. "Can we cook together again, sometime?" I asked.
He looked at me, surprised, but took my hand. "It would be my pleasure. How'd you get so good?"
I shrugged. "You remember my friend, Kelly? She owned the little pub/restaurant in my home town. I used to help with the cooking whenever things got overwhelming for her." I explained.
"Alissa, you and Daichi have to switch jobs." Trevor insisted.
I laughed. "I would, but Daichi is on the crew as the chef. I'd rather not take away his role."
"No, he's right: we should work something out." Daichi countered.
"If you really wouldn't mind, then yeah, I'd like that." I smiled.
Over the noise, something sounded from outside. I turned around and looked at the door. "I thought we were all here." I told the men around me, removing my apron.
"So did I." Ace agreed, sliding off his chair. I followed him to the door and stood behind him as he opened it. He scanned the deck, then opened the door wider. "No one's out there." He reported, stepping out.
"Maybe we're all hearing things?" Luke suggested.
Ace shook his head. "No, if we all heard then it must have happened."
I, along with a few other pirates, had moved onto the deck behind Ace. We fanned out, each of us inspecting a part of the ship. I moved to the edge and looked over the railing. I cried out as I realized men were climbing ropes they had attached to the ship. As I backed up, they pulled themselves over the railing, swords drawn. A ship came into sight a bit to the north of us.
That was when I realized what was going on: we were being raided.

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