Life Line

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Chapter 37
I splashed down into the lake, and began flailing my arms trying to resurface. I kicked and pushed down as hard as I could, but it was only enough for me to get a quick gasp of air before being pulled back under.
I tried anything I could think of to get back to the surface, but nothing seemed to be effective. My lungs began to burn, and I let out a breath for momentary relief. My head was throbbing. Just as my eyes began to close, I felt an arm curl around my waist. Another grabbed my arm and draped it around their neck. They pulled me up to the surface, and over to the shallows. I collapsed on my back, gasping for air. Lyle and Geo sat on their heels, breathing heavily. They must have been the ones that saved me.
"Are you okay?" Everyone asked, crowding around me.
"Guys, back up." Ace ordered. "Give her some space."
Coughing, I propped myself up on my elbows. I found Ace's eyes and locked onto them.
"Alissa, I'm so sorry." He apologized.
I ignored him and stood up. "Excuse me." I spat, and the pirates moved aside for me to walk through.
"Alissa, wait." Ace called.
I kept walking, away from the lake, away from everyone, away from the questions.
"Alissa!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around. We were far enough from the lake to be considered alone.
"Look, I'm sorry. I had no idea you couldn't swim." He insisted.
"Because I didn't want you to! I didn't want anyone to know!" I hissed. "But thanks to you now everyone knows how lame I am." I tried to walk away but he held onto me.
"Wait; that's not lame. I can't swim. Lot's of pirates can't." He said.
"Because you're a devil fruit user. You have an excuse that's not embarrassing."
"Well, why can't you swim? You aren't a devil fruit user, are you?" He asked.
"Ace!" I yelled, jerking my arm away. "Stop! I'm not telling you why I can't swim. Stop butting in and go back to your buddies." I stormed off back to camp before he could say another word.
When I got back, of course Rin was there.
"Gees, what happened to you?" He asked.
"Shut it." He had a fire going, so I took my skirt and shirt off and laid it next to the flames to dry.
I let out a rough sigh as I sat down on a log, and cradled my head in my hands.
"You really look dreadful. What happened out there?" He asked, poking the fire with a stick.
"A misunderstanding." I muttered through my fingers.
"On who's part?" Rin continued.
I paused to think about that. Of course it was Ace's fault for throwing me in like that, but I had been the one who neglected sharing the information in the first place.
"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it can be fixed. Everything's fixable." He stated, glancing over at me.
I watched him work in silence as the other rookies came back with their supplies. Each one tried to ask me what happened, but Rin shooed them away. He began telling them what to do with the food, but is was a messy assortment.
"Alright," I called, standing up. "You all have no idea what you're doing, and I can't concentrate with that happening. Someone give me an apron and their dish." I ordered. I could think about dealing with Ace after I teach these rookies how to properly mince celery and make a good salad.

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