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Chapter 54
This ship was... incredibly large. I must have taken ten different turns, two flights of stairs, and I hit four dead ends. I was about to just give up and attempt to go back through the maze, but then I realized I actually hadn't been keeping track of my movements- I would have to find someone to guide me. I groaned. This was embarrassing, and if the crew found out about it, I would never live it down.
"You must the girl Ace brought on board." I clenched my fist and swung around, bring it to meet the jaw of the man that spoke. He grunted and stumbled back, his hand going to where I'd hit him.
I stood, frozen. I blinked and unfurled my hand, the sting setting in. "I have no idea why I just did that- I'm sorry." I said, still in shock.
"Don't be," he replied, "I surprised you, so it's my fault." He gave me a slight smile, more playful than apologetic.
I took him in; he was a tall man, thin, but very fit. Unlike Ace, this man wore a shirt. Only, he left it unbuttoned, exposing his tattooed chest. The tattoo was of the Whitebeard Jolly Roger, just like Ace's. He had blonde hair messily shoved to one side, like he just got out of bed. He looked to be just a few years older than Ace, but still young.
"Sorry, my name is Marco." He said, reaching out to shake my hand.
"Alissa." I replied, taking his hand. They were rough, covered in callouses- like Ace's. "Are you sure you're okay?"
He chuckled. "It takes a bit more than that to take me down." He glances at my hand, now hanging at my side. "Is your hand okay? That was some punch but your thumb was incorrectly placed- it could be broken."
I knit my brows, and raised my hand. I clenched and unclenched it: it seemed fine. "I think I'm okay."
He didn't appear convinced, but decided to not push it. "So, are you lost?"
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "That obvious?"
"Well, seeing as you're in the commander's floor, yes."
"Commander's?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's like minor captains that serve under one. The commanders here are all part of the main Whitebeard crew." He explained.
"Ah." I muttered. I began to wonder why he was here, then, as he was obviously a member, he should know that it's reserved for only-
It hit me, suddenly and quickly. I had seen his poster every day in Kelly's bar... the other pirate that uses fire from a devil fruit, the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, right hand man to Whitebeard himself: Marco the Phoenix.
I scanned him again. He didn't seem to be a threat, but every inch of my body screamed to run away.
He seemed to read my mind. "Relax." He said, cooly. "There are two ways to get on this boat: you either come as a prisoner, or someone brings you on board. You somehow got close to Ace, and he brought you here. You're the only female on this ship, and everyone knows about it- this is perhaps the safest place on the planet for you."
I didn't reply. Realizing I would be hard to convince, he crossed his arms and released a sigh. "What were you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it."
I narrowed my gaze, but saw no harm. "I just wanted a beer."
He chuckled. "Sweetie. You're about two levels away from one; the mess is on the main. If you'd like, you can come to my room. Our chef is a bit stingy with his alcohol, so I always keep a few barrels on hand."
It wasn't smart, I know. But I was really craving a beer, and I knew all I had to do was shout and Ace would find me. So, after some brief hesitation, I accepted his offer. We walked just two doors down, and he opened a door, stepping inside to hold it open for me.
Warily, I stepped inside. Immediately, I almost fell over; this room was fantastically decorated. The couches look hand sewn, made of the finest materials. There were two, sitting on either side of a giant bookshelf. The majority of them were bound in leather, and the ones that weren't were falling apart from overuse. On the far wall were a set of double French doors. The curtains were drawn back, allowing me to see out to the balcony. The world was pitch black outside, only the light from the room shone through the glass illuminated the balcony.
The bed was huge, bigger than anything I'd ever seen. I think they called it a "King" sized bed. The sheets were obviously made of refined silk, as you could see the shine from the unmade sheets.
"It's not much," Marco started, "but it's enough for me."
I blinked. "Not much?" I repeated. "That bed alone could feed my town for a week!"
He shrugged. "If you say so." He walked over to a small chest, and pulled a tiny barrel from inside. He grabbed two glasses and set the three things onto the coffee table in front of one of the couches. I followed him and sat down on the other. I couldn't hide my surprise at how comfortable it was.
"Nice, huh?" He asked, handing me a full glass. "Got It from a friend in the New World."
I choked on my beer. "The New World? Isn't that crazy tough to just get to?"
He shrugged. "I guess. We come and go all the time, so it's pretty simple for us." He took a large gulp of his drink.
I copied him, but downed the rest of my glass. "May I have another?" He nodded, took the glass, and quickly refilled it.
"Thanks." I took a quick sip. "This is good. Is it from the New World too?"
"Nah, it's a small town business. I've been going to them for my beer for years." He answered.
"Ah." I replied. We fell into an awkward silence. I didn't know what to talk about... Ace knee this guy, not me. I've never good at idle chat, so I was definitely out of my element. We simply sat there, enjoying our beers.
After a bit, I had finished yet another glass. I'd stopped asking for him to refill them for me about three glasses ago.
"Maybe you should stop for the night." Marco suggested. "That's, what? Your seventh glass?"
I paused, my hand hovering over the spout. "So what if it is?"
Marco set his down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Look, I could care less what you do. But I don't want to get an earful from Ace if you get drunk on my beer."
I was about to snap back, but I stopped myself. This was my seventh glass, and yet I didn't feel the least bit hazy. My mind was as sharp as ever. I looked down at the barrel. Could it be...
"What?" Marco asked.
"Did anyone tell you why I was in the sick bay?" I responded.
"Sort of." He answered, knitting his brow. "I heard that you taken by the marines, they did some testing and stuff on you, and then Ace blew the place up."
I chuckled. "Close enough." I opened the spout and filled my glass. "It's a bit complicated but I'll just tell you the short version: They injected a second serum in me, which is supposed to increase my immune system. I can't get sick or hurt, to be plain." I sat down on the couch, leaving enough room between us.
I sipped my beer and marveled once more at how I could distinctly taste the flavors- an ability I lose when I become drunk.
"I have a theory." I said slowly.
"Oh no." He said, eyeing me. "You have a look in your eye... I don't think I like it."
I grinned, mischievously.
"I'm going to need another barrel."

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