I'm Back

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Chapter 27

The next hour or so was a blur. I drifted in and out of consciousness, only aware of the few things happening around me.

The first time, we had not yet reached the ship. I hazily thought to myself how ironic that was, seeing as Max was the only one in my boat not rowing. That meant four, incredibly strong men were powering the boats' oars.

"Hang on, Alissa; we're almost there." I heard Ace mutter through his rowing. That was the last thing I heard before I faded out.

The second time I came 'round, I could feel myself being lifted over the railing of the ship. Hands were strewn down my legs and up my back, with my head cupped in two strong but soft hands. I was amazed at how gentle these burly men could handle something.

"Careful." Max was saying. "Watch her lungs; they should remain parallel with the ground."

"Oi, was that an eyebrow twitch?" Someone asked.

"Maybe. Keep your focus on carrying her though." Max replied.

I wanted to laugh, or sit up, or do something to surprise them, but before I could, I returned to darkness.

When I regained consciousness again, Ace and the entire crew was standing in the room. The room was a wreck, tables and chairs on their sides, glass littering the floor. The moment I opened my eyes, the room erupted.

"Hey! She's back!" They cheered.

I pushed myself up to a sitting position. "Hey, guys." My voice was hoarse, cracking through.

"How do you feel?" Ace asked.

"Pretty good, considering I almost died. I have got to stop hanging out with you; I keep ending up in burning buildings." I joked.

A few people laughed. "She has a point. This is the second you've saved her." Someone called from the back.

"The first one was not my fault!" Ace pleaded.

I gently placed my hand on his. "I know. We're just messing with you, Fire Boy." I said, giving him a smile.

"Right." Was all he said.

"Where's Max? I want to get up but he might yell at me if I did, so I want his permission." I inquired.

"You bet I would! If I come up there and you're so much as sitting up I will tie you to bed!" I heard him shouting from the back of he crowd.

I laughed, but Ace was entirely serious. "He's not kidding: he really will tie you to the bed."

My eyes widened and I reassumed a laying position. However, Max was no where to be found.

"For God's sake, everyone get out of my sick bay!" He shouted. It wasn't a huge rush, but the other pirates said their good day's and exited the room. Max was left standing with a basket in his hands.

"God, those people are idiots." He muttered, stalking towards us. He put the basket on the table beside my bed, then pulled up a chair.

"Alright, before I tell you any good or bad news, let me say two things; one, you've only been out for an hour. Two, I want to know what they did to you on that ship or this one. The only reason I ask this is to make sure I performed a thorough examination." He said simply.

I nodded. One hour was pretty good. At least it wasn't nine days. I began telling the two men what happened, starting right after Lyle sent me down to my room. The boys were good listeners, sitting quietly as I recounted this mornings events. When I finished, leaving it off at the part where I found Ace, they were silent for a beat longer than neccessary.

"What is it?" I demanded.

Ace, whose jaw was tight, shook his head. "Nothing. I just wish I'd beat him up a bit more."

"He's dead now, Ace. Please don't say anything rash." I pleaded.

Max cleared his throat. "Let me examine you one more time. Just to be sure."

I obliged and went limp as he tested my limbs, bone structure, reflexes, anything he could think of. When he sat back down, he had a mixed expression on his face.

"You're fine. Not one broken bone, sprained tendon or muscle, nothing. Just a few cuts here an there. You have the one wound on your jaw from where he hurt you, but you're in good shape." He said sullenly.

"Why do you say it like that? Isn't it a good thing I'm not hurt badly?" I inquired.

"It is. It's just... It puzzles me how you don't have anyhing to severe. You should have a broken jaw, smoke filled lungs, burns from the fire, but you don't."

"So she heals fast. That's the only explination, right?" Ace put in.

"That's the only explination I've got." Max replied. "Have you always been this way?"

I nodded as I recalled countless memories. "Before I took over the farm, I was a bit of a trouble maker. I never got hurt, though, like all of the other kids."

Max nodded, but before he responded, there was a knock on the door and Akuto stepped through. "Sorry to interrupt, but we found an island nearby where we can make repairs."

Ace blinked. "Already? Well, go ahead and dock, then."

Akuto nodded and slipped back out to report to the others.

"We're stopping for repairs?" I inquired, my mind buzzing.

Max nodded, packing his medical supplies back into the basket. "We took on some damage during the attack. Nothing major, but we can't live with them, either."

I nodded. "Are we all going ashore?"

Ace turned to me. "No. A small landing party will accompany me to make the purchases we need. Most of us will remain on the ship to guard it. Also, if we all left the ship it would bring unwanted attention to us."

I sat up and crossed my legs. A piece of hair fell over my shoulder, so I brushed it back. I knew I probably looked horrible right now, and for some reason that didn't bother me.

"Can I come with you?"



Max's immediate decline sunk under Aces' question.

"I want to get some supplies for a new project; I'm going make the barracks into rooms but I don't have what I need." I explained.

Ace burst out laughing.

"What?" I demanded.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just you nearly died this morning and now you're trying to build the crew bedrooms. It's a little strange: most people would need time to recover." He stated, whipping a tear from his eye.

"Yes, I almost died this morning, but that doesn't mean I should put everything on hold. I'm not dead. That's why I need to keep moving on with my life."

Ace studied me. Then he stood up. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes. That should be enough time for you to change if you want to, and for Max to bandage you up nicely."

I smiled broadly. Max, on the other hand, jumped up and called after his captain in annoyance.

"You can't possibly be serious, Ace! She needs to rest, to properly recover. Putting her body through this much stress too quickly is going to kill her."

Ace seemed to ponder this. I slowly stood from the bed, feeling my muscles ache with every move. "Then she'll stick to me like glue." He stated.

Max was about to protest again, but Ace placed his hands on his shoulders. "Look, I know you mean well, but if she wants to go then she can go. I'll be watching her like a hawk the whole time; if I see she's hurting, I'll bring her right back." Max still seemed unsure, but he brushed of Aces hands, glared at both of us, and silently departed the room.

"Nine minutes." Ace counted, following the doctor out the door.

I smiled and headed for my room.

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