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Chapter 2

I stomped across town and back to my house. I slammed the door shut behind me and let out a huff. That stupid pirate. Did he seriously think that all it took to win me over was to put his pistol out in the open? How stupid did he think I was?!

I climbed the stairs to my bedroom and went straight to my drawers. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a navy blue tank-top and swapped them with the yellow dress I had been wearing. I pulled out my braid and let my shoulder-length, caramel colored hair fall free. I didn't feel like redoing the braid, so I just pulled it back into a high ponytail. Not bothering to check my mirror and see how it looked, I went outside to the fields.

My father had been a farmer, growing just enough fruits and vegetables to supply the town. But our numbers had had a drastic increase ten years ago, so our land was even bigger now.

Today I had to work on the apples, which were almost ready to be picked. I walked over to that section of the field and did my routine inspection. First, checking the leaves of the tree. They all seemed to be equally colored, but I knew they would need some extra water today because of the heat.

The leaves rustled behind me and I sighed. "Kelly, don't, okay? I'm sorry for exploding but can you blame me? Those stupid pirates deserved it." I said, not even bothering to look who it was. Kelly always came to see me after I did something like that.

"I hate to hear that." I spun around. That wasn't Kelly's voice.

"What are you doing on my farm?" I hissed at the pirate captain.

"I came to apologize." He said, calmly. "I've met a lot of people who don't like pirates. But I have to say none as much as you. I don't know why you dispise us so much, and I won't ask. I just wanted to tell you that not all of us are bad people."

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the water hole. "I don't care. To me, all pirates are the same."

He followed, but kept his distance. "No, we really aren't." He insisted. I reached the hole and started reeling up the bucket. It took a minute, and Fire Fist just stood and waited. I clutched the handle and pushed past him.

"Why are you still here? Get off of my property." I told him.

Fire Fist just took a slow and steady breath. "I will. But I'm going to tell you that my crew is pretty tired so we'll be staying in town for a few days. I hope we see you around."

"I hope you drown." I said, pouring the bucket along the roots of the trees.

I heard him snicker and then walk away.

"Pirates." I muttered and got back to my work.

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