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“ Nancy….” I said as I held her hand. She looked at me in confusion.

“ I need to talk to you, it’s about Heather.” I whispered, watching the students heading to their hobby grounds.

“ Make it snappy, I have a friend to check on!”

I cleared my throat. I really hoped that it was not going to come back to bite my butt in the future.

“ I saw Randy and Zero high-fiving each other,” I said quickly.

“ So?”

“ …after Heather stormed out of class.” I continued.
She paused and I saw her eyebrows rise. “ Wait what?!” she asked.

“ I think that they may be responsible for the rumors spreading online about Heather being a trans,”

She bit her lower lip and looked around before saying, “ Damnit!”

“ I’ll see you later,” I dismissed my self before walking away from her. Had I done the right thing?

Didn’t that make me a snitch? No! I was doing the right thing. Nobody deserved to be bullied, nobody.

“ Hey Dexter!” Randy said from behind as he put his hand around my shoulder. “ Do you want to be the school’s mascot for the basketball game?”

“ Mascot?” I asked.

“ Yeah dummy! You can be Elfie the bunny. That can score you points for that equality campaign that your mom runs,” he explained as the other boys laughed from behind.

“ Randy, I don’t think Dexter will do it. Imagine what his neighbors will say once they see him in a bunny costume. He is embarrassed of the school.” One of his friends said.

“ Right Dexter?”

“ I…I’ll do it. I’ll be the mascot.” I struggled to speak. They all cheered and  patted my shoulders.

I sighed, life sucked! Maybe I should have joined the Drug Awareness Party group.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now