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“ Shit! That’s sick! Is she killing herself?!”  Khia asked between laughter.

“ That’s not funny! What’s wrong with you?!” I snapped at her.

“ What? Come on! Don’t you see that she just wants attention?” she argued.

“ She won’t jump!”

“ You’re just like that friend of yours aren’t you?”

“ Rue?” she asked. “ What does she have to do with anything?”

“ I dunno. Maybe you should look into her more. Apparently, she’s not the type of person you can be friends with if you are a human.” I answered in anger.

“ Cyprian…” Dexter said from behind, pulling my jersey. “ Nova…”

“ Let her jump!” Khia yelled. “ Let her break her crown. Who cares?!”

Dexter lost it and attacked Khia but I held his fist before it could get to her face.

“ Go ahead! Hit me! You fuckin bully!” She cried suddenly.

“ Dexter, no!” I warned him.

“ She watched me get beaten, why should I spare her?!” he spoke with such poison.

“ Let me go Cyprian! Let me kill her!”

“ No!!” I roared before pushing him back. Everyone moved backwards and watched us.

“ Get out of my way Cyprian!”

Dexter yelled crazily before attacking me. I quickly dodged his fists and punched him to the ground.

He fell down and quickly got up.
“ Get out of MY WAY!!!” he screamed.

“ Go ahead! Hit me!” Khia cried, from behind me.

I turned to face her and said, “ Shut up Khia!”

Tears ran down her now red face as she moved pass me, heading for Dexter.

“ I’m always the suitable punching bag am I not? What the hell? Go on, break my neck!”

“ She’s jumping!” one of the students yelled as I looked up at Nova who moved closer to the edge of the stand.

Shit! What was I supposed to do? Who was supposed to save?

I looked at Khia and then at Nova. Everyone, even you will hate me after I tell you what I did…

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now