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Soft music played in the background while I stared at my reflection on the mirror.

I moved the hair clipper over my head, removing all of the hair.

Black curls tumbled from my head as I shaved most of my hair off.

Once I was done, I looked at the mirror and admired my new self. I was looking different.

With only the slightest hair on my head, I looked like a soldier. I was ready for battle.

Today was the day, Drug Awareness Party.

I was ready for it. Time seemed to fast forward once I had got ready because by 09:00 am I was at school already.

A purple banner welcomed everyone from the main hallway as some students gave out pamphlets to us.

My eyes scanned through the many faces, I was looking for Nova, where was she?

“ Dexter,” Cyprian said from behind.

I turned around to face him.

“ Bro, I’m sorry about what happened in the past week. I really want to fix things between us okay?”

“ Why now?” I asked.

“ Why now? Bro, you have been avoiding me these whole days…”

“ She’s using you. Khia is using you to fight her battles I’m telling you. That girl is a demon. She’s just like Zero!” I said.

He looked at me and said nothing.

“ Just like Heather used me.”

“ I know. We’re not talking anymore. I don’t even got a date now.” He explained.

“ Do what you want to do with your life bro, I’m done with you.” I said bitterly.

“ What?!”

“ You heard me. The old Dexter you knew is dead Cyprian. I’ve moved on okay? After what happened at the pool…I hate you Cyprian.”

His eyes opened wider in shock. He just couldn’t believe it!

“ You hate me?” he finally asked.

“ Yeah.”

“ What’s that gonna do for you huh? Look at yourself! You’re as bitter as shit Dexter. Fuck it bro! You’re messed up!”

“ Says the guy who relies on nicotine to survive. You got your own issues. I guess we’re all messed up.”

He then walked past me quickly, bumping my shoulder.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now