Authors note

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This story may not be the best, and I'm sorry but I really am terrible at spelling- though I do try and proof read. But I just wanted to say thankyou to Alice- my first, and only, reader...

And also that this story is going to be odd, and I think quite short. Chapters will be as long or short as I want- wherever I feel they should start or finnish.

So yeah... I might add more to this note as I write more but... you know, for now, um, bye!

PS:  I am not a big fan of authors' notes so there will only be one- this one- that will be added too every once in a while.

PPS: There will be some swearing in her flash backs so be warned!

PPPS: Because I'm an idiot, I decided to delete and then repost this and consequently lose all my reads (just over 1000) and votes (around 40) which weren't much, but that I was proud of.... Why? I can't actually remember... Yay me, I'm more stupid than a brain dead fruitfly, and also have the memory span of a gold fish... (about three seconds)

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