Chapter 6

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Days passed with an uncharacteristic dullness. Both sunny and rainy periods carried forth a suffocating languor. Mukuro recognised this feeling, as she tended to experience it whenever Junko ignored her. It was a union of peace and loneliness that then developed into a feeling of everlasting stillness; every day was to be the same until her death. 

This time she experienced it because of Makoto. Junko promised her that she would meet with him soon, always saying that it would be tomorrow, the day after, or, as has been the case recently, when she has some spare time. Mukuro wasn't deceived by her words and knew that her sister's delay was caused by her unwillingness rather than a lack of time. But further begging on her part would be in vain. Junko had trapped her and her previous claims about Makoto's ambivalence towards her started to gain conviction in her head. He didn't visit her, nor spoke to her during lessons, but he did greet her, smiling like before - the smile now seeming to be simply an act of courtesy, deprived of its former affection. 

Mukuro began to write in her notebook more frequently, sometimes finding herself on the verge of tears. Not even during her years of service did she indulge a thought of letting out a couple of tears. All of this was Makoto's fault. He softened her heart and planted a need for him in her. With him gone she was felt weaker than ever before. Was it right then to continue seeking someone who was having this effect on her?  

Junko stormed into the dorm. 

''And what the hell are you doing? Do you do anything outside of school work?'' She asked her angrily. Mukuro was sure that something happened but didn't dare to ask. 

''I'm not doing much now.''

''I can see that you're not. I'm not blind. Anyway, did you see those guys that were walking with me around the school?'' 

Mukuro nodded, remembering her sister shouting about some badly taken photograph. 

''Look, they might've been amateurs, but some of the photos they took were dazzling. I told them that I've been considering a more vintage turn for my future designs and they were very eager to interview me for their magazine. Isn't that great? It's amazing that while I'm making history my older sister struggles to take care of her own affairs!'' Junko plopped down on Mukuro's bed, expecting her sister's usual commendation. 

''That's great, Junko, but who were those people? I don't think that I've seen their magazine before.'' Mukuro said with concern. 

''Do you take the fact that we are sisters too literally? Unlike you, I'm not stupid, so I did check their credentials - if that's what you're so concerned about. The magazine did look a bit funky though. It's surprising that they still make stuff like that, but I liked it. 

Mukuro didn't want to antagonise her sister further so kept her silence.

''Are you still all sully because of him? How can you be still upset when he clearly doesn't give a shit about you?!'' Junko arose, her composed face a sign of a maddening frustration about to implode rather than of calmness. ''You-are-no-thing-to-him. is speaking in syllables comprehensible?! Or should I simplify it more for that rackety, crippled brain of yours? You're some lunatic that only I have enough patience to tolerate! Give it up already.'' 

Mukuro's expression was unmoved in the face of Junko's insults. Words were heard but the memory of them disappeared as soon as they were uttered. 

''I'm sorry for being so presumptuous.'' 

''Yeah, yeah,'' Junko mumbled, heading towards the door. 

''Where are you going?'' 

''Outside to get some fresh air. You stink.'' 


''Hey, lucky boy!'' Makoto felt someone push him and looked back. 

''Junko? What's up with you?'' 

''You are the problem; not me.'' She glared at him, then looked around furiously as if checking lest someone were to photograph her with her beautiful face disfigured by rage. 

''And what did I do?'' Makoto asked, unable to tolerate Junko's behaviour anymore. She strained his friendship with Mukuro, promised that things would get better, assuring him that she did this for her sister's own good, however, he could believe her no more. ''Is this about Mukuro?'' 

''Well, duh, why else would I even talk to you? But more importantly, why did you loser dare to play with my sister's feelings?!'' She nearly hissed at him after saying these words. 

''I'm quite sure you're mistaken, Junko. I did not play with Mukuro's feelings. Although I still don't know what you're talking about.''

''Playing dumb won't help here. Why did you think that you could act like a fucking lover for a week to then ignore her for no reason?! How thick do you have to be not to have realised that she needed you the most?'' 

Makoto blushed from shame, struggling to tell if Junko was lying, and dissappointed that Mukuro's love for him was revealed prematurely in this crude dispute. Yet there was a part of him that rejoiced about his feelings being reciprocated.

''You don't make any sense, Junko. You were the one that told me to stay away from her while she's in this state and I took your word because you're her sister. Did you forget about that?'' 

''No, in fact I very much did not forget about that. I just wanted to test you, to see if you actually cared for my dear sister. And what did you do, Makoto? You did nothing. You obeyed everything I told you like a naive idiot. Mukuro waited all these days for you to do something, while you were completely ignoring her.'' 

''Maybe I was wrong not to do anything, but it certainly wasn't wrong on my part to believe the words of her own sister!'' He shouted, glaring back at her. The rose and the hairpin set that he bought for Mukuro came to his mind, as if testifying in his defense that he did care about her, but telling this secret to Junko just to contradict her claims would be fruitless and impulsive. 

''Listen, even if I didn't say anything, you would've likely done the same. I won't allow some low grade loser to treat my sister like trash. You've had your chance, you failed miserably and now it's your time to leave. My sister has no right to suffer because of a coward like you.'' 

Makoto took his bestrewn belongings and walked away from Junko. He was sure that she was lying to cover something up but decided that he'd meet with Mukuro no matter what to find the truth. 

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