Chapter 7

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Makoto tied his shoelaces twice, emptied his pockets from any potentially harmful items, meaning everything, and looked over his clothing. He was ready to face off Nagito. They agreed for the brawl to take place during the lunch break, but Nagito told Makoto repeatedly that others were unlikely to interrupt them if the brawl was to take place in the empty space between the football pitch and the school. Makoto nodded along, since this was all Nagito's plan, and so he presumed that his friend knew the ins and outs. 

''Haha, I'm sorry, Makoto, but I'm not lying. I've never had a chance to participate in such an exquisite contest. After all, aren't we the only lucky students in this school?'' He looked at Makoto doubtfully. 

''Of course we're the only ones,'' Makoto said, wondering whether Nagito's doubtful expression meant anything. 

What gave him a greater cause for concern at the moment was Mukuro. She'd definitely come and he feared that Nagito's luck might choose another victim as it always did. If something were to happen to her, it'd bring a certain end to their friendship; he wouldn't forgive himself while Junko would pester him until they'd leave Hope's Peak. 

''Nagito, are you sure that we should allow anyone to watch our 'contest'? What if someone's luck leads to something bad. Not that I'm suggesting anything. I'm just concerned.'' 

Nagito looked at him blankly, then he smiled warmly and chuckled. 

''How considerate of you, Makoto! I've never thought of that. I don't think that we should stop people from approaching us, that will make them more interested. Instead, we ought to be hopeful and have in mind everyone's prosperity. Nothing bad will happen if we sustain our hope.'' 

''Maybe you're right. See you soon.'' Makoto left Nagito and hurried to the dorms. 

Upon reaching Mukuro's door, he took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door. A buzz of noises coming from the outside lessened the intensity of the stillness that followed. Makoto knocked again, more forcefully. The door then opened. Mukuro opened the door halfway. Seeing her in the intimacy of her room gave Makoto a strange feeling. He never had the chance to visit her dorm but was convinced that he still didn't know much about her. 

''Hey, Mukuro, are you alright?'' He asked. 

''Hi. Yes - I am.'' She didn't say anything else. 

''You remember that today is the day, yes?'' She looked at him quizzically. ''I mean the day when I face Nagito.'' 

''Today?'' Her gaze finally faltered and concern softened her stony expression. ''I'm sorry that we didn't train more, I-''

Makoto leaned forward and grabbed her hand. ''No, don't apologise. It was my fault, Mukuro. I've misunderstood something that involved your sister and ultimately it was I who failed to make a decision.'' 

He felt her hand tremble as she squeezed his and looked at him. 

''Makoto, what did my sister do?'' 

He hesitated, but answered, ''Nothing really, I was the problem either way. Sorry for not talking to you, I really am.'' He made a couple of steps forward, pushed away the door and hugged her. He wanted to do it as friends do, but his feelings for Mukuro overtook him and the gesture felt more like a lovers' reunion. He noticed that a pink wig was lying on the floor beside a large mirror, its style nearly the same as Junko's. 

''Mukuro, what's that wig for?'' 

She flinched and left his embrace, continuing to partly lean against him,  disappointment evident in her eyes that then vanished when she too looked at the wig. 

''I was trying out something new...that's all, really.''

''Are you trying to replicate Junko's looks?'' Makoto asked worringly. 

''After we stopped talking I thought that maybe I had to change things up again. I love my sister so I thought that having a twin look would be nice.'' Mukuro glued up this wonky explanation on the spot. Her intentions weren't clear to her either; Junko would ridicule her no matter what, but the previous note of positivity implied in her mockery encouraged Mukuro to do something similar again - by dressing up like her sister to appease her vanity. Makoto wouldn't understand that, though she started to suspect that Junko's spite wasn't alien to him anymore. 

''I understand that you love her, but you're forgetting about yourself while doing this, Mukuro. Following Junko's footsteps isn't practical, I told you this before. It's better for you to make your own choices since you're better as yourself.'' 

''Better as myself?'' 

This time he flinched, realising that he spoke thoughtlessly. He looked at the carpet, reluctant to meet Mukuro's gaze whilst trying to find a means of explaining himself away. 


''Yes, you are better off being yourself because there's no one else like you, neither could anyone else replace you or-'' He bit himself on the tongue. Those weren't his intended words and now the situation was much more troubling than before. Confessing would've been more preferable than hasitating and stuttering right in front of her. 


''Or neither could they hold the same spot in the hearts of people close to you like you do. Do you understand now?'' 

Mukuro blushed and Makoto thought for a moment that he saw a tear escape her eye. Then she grinned and hugged him tightly. 

''Wowzie, Makoto, I didn't know that you were such a romantic!'' She said enthusiastically. 

''What? I didn't mean-'' He stopped when she pecked him on the cheek. It was almost a kiss, but Mukuro seemed to have restrained herself, likely expecting Makoto to be the first one to do that very soon. ''What was that for?'' 

''For being a cutie.'' 

''Cutie might not be the right word...''

''Well, it is. Now go, or you will be late. I'll be cheering for you later~!''

He left Mukuro's dorm, thinking to himself that it'd be best to give Mukuro the gifts he bought for her after him and Nagito successfully face off. At last, things were back to normal. 

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