Trouble Always Comes in Double

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The following morning, Harumi sat at her vanity -her mother's vanity, that daddy had moved to her side of the room she shared with her twin when she had asked for it when they moved in- brushing her long platinum hair, getting the tangles that she had gotten in her sleep out.

She looked out the window beside the vanity's mirror, seeing Lloyd and their father going through sunrise exercise -she normally went with them but was not up to it today, and it was not like their father made them do it; he had told them they did not have to dedicate their lives to fighting as he had if they did not want to, he merely wanted them to be able to defend themselves and control their abilities lest they control them.

Putting down her hairbrush, she picked up her black ribbons and began to braid them into her hair until she had her usual braided pigtails.

"You have very beautiful hair." A voice behind her complimented

The future Master of Destruction turned around, seeing her mother in the doorway, "What do you want?"

"To wish you good morning." Misako replied

Harumi rolled her mismatched eyes, "Well you can leave now that you have done so."

The older woman opened her mouth to say something but the eleven-year-old cut her off, "You may have convinced Lloydie and daddy that you want to be part of our family again, but I know you will just leave a third time. And it will make them sad when you do, so I'll get revenge for them when I can access daddy's powers and make you suffer for hurting their hearts. Now go away."


It seemed Harumi had to admit her mother did bring something positive to their household.

She had a car, so they could drive to Mega Monster Amusement Park instead of spending all morning walking there.

Somehow, during Sunrise Exercise, Lloyd had talked Garmadon into taking them there.

But, all of them except Misako knew it was a reward for helping ruin the NInja's reputation.

In less than an hour, they were parked and walking towards the entrance of the park.


It seemed most of Ninjago had seen Garmadon's interview and remembered his human appearance because the second the Garmadon Family was noticed they were surrounded by people eagerly trying to get the Dark Lord's attention.

So, Garmadon whispered to the twins that he would meet them back by the entrance and slipped away from them, taking the crowd with him.

A few stragglers remained, trying to talk to the twins, asking if the Ninja had really hurt Lloyd.

Harumi noticed her twin starting to get overwhelmed and told them to leave him alone, taking his hand and running off.

Misako was left behind, even the stragglers dispersed at the sight of her alone, so she went to the entrance in hopes of meeting back up with her family.


The Destiny's Bounty floated above the sea, trying to stay in the clouds to avoid being spotted.

Every passenger on board knew that Garmadon was behind the false accusations somehow, but how was the question?

Zane pointed out that he probably used the Golden Weapons, but the specifics were unknown to him.

Kai had punched a wall when the screen turned on another news report claiming that they had stolen art from the museum and broke the newscaster's camera and broke it while on air.

Which, inadvertently, gave the Ninja the biggest clue about what was going on.

The evil ninja were perfect replicas of them, so that meant that Garmadon used the weapons to make clones of them to do evil while clearing his own name


Eventually, Misako found the twins, walking with a man she knew was Garmadon with a shifted appearance ao he looked the same age as her.

It seemed to work, as the crowd that had been hounding him was gone.

As she approached the trio, she heard Harumi say, "Okay, we found her, daddy. Can we go on a rollercoaster now?"

"Of course, princess, why don't you and Lloyd join the queue and we'll be there in a moment." Garmadon said

The platinum blond frowned but obeyed, taking her twin's hand and running off with him towards the line for the roller coaster.

The adults followed behind at a short distance, saying nothing at first but enjoying a companionable silence.

"Garmadon, I am worried." Misako admitted after a few minutes

He stopped walking for a moment to look at her, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"Possibly." She sighed, "I am very worried about the twins."

"They will get used to you again, just give them some time." Garmadon tried to comfort

She took his hand tentatively, "It is not about that. I am worried about the venom with them."

"I worried about that too at first, but they are perfectly safe with me. Even when the venom was at its worst I still only acted to keep them safe." He assured

"No, Garmadon, not your venom. Theirs." Misako explained

Garmadon just blinked for a few seconds, his brain trying to comprehend what she said, "Their venom? They do not have venom."

"Look at them." She said

He did so, seeing them standing in line for some ride, looking back towards them.

Lloyd waved at them, smiling, while Harumi just glared at Misako.

"What about them?" He asked

"Their eyes." She specified

He still did not see what she meant, "They have heterochromia, yes, but that has nothing to do with the venom."

Misako insisted he look again, adding, "And what color are their eyes?"

"Green and red, they got an eye color from each of us." Garmadon shrugged

She looked into his eyes, emerald staring into crimson, "Your eyes are purple, they only became permanently red after the venom gained hold."

He stumbled, letting go of her hands as he was at a loss for words.

The Master of Destruction then turned around, rushed to the nearby trash can and promptly vomited.

No, that could not be true, he could not have passed down the venom.

They did not have the whispering he dealt with, or the urges; they were good kids with pure hearts, they just caused a bit of mischief from time to time that's all -but that is expected of children.

Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, digging through his memories as he tried to recall any evidence that the twins' eyes had ever been green and purple, but nothing came to mind.

Had he ruined his children's lives before they had even been born?

Managing to compose himself, Garmadon walked over to his family in line like nothing was wrong.

Externally he was calm and trying to keep his family happy, but internally he was now a wreck.

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