Anything for Family

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"And that is why Jack the Rabbit never trusts a snake. The end." Garmadon finished, his tone soothing to the blond who was struggling to keep his mismatched eyes open despite having just woken from his nap a few hours previously

"I'll never trust a snake, dad." Lloyd promised, his voice slurred with sleep

Garmadon smiled and fixed the blankets, covering Lloyd up to his neck, "I know you won't, you're such a good boy. Goodnight."

The Dark Lord then shut off the bedside lamp, leaving the room in darkness, save for the moonlight poking in through the curtains.

Being able to see perfectly on the darkness, Garmadon changed into his purple pajamas and slipped back into the master bed he was sharing with his son for tonight, staring at the photo hanging up on the wall closest to him.

His wedding had been the final time he had seen his father, the First Spinjitzu Master had congratulated him as soon as the ceremony ended and then disappeared.

But this photo was the only one he had of his father, who had had barely managed to convince to take one with him, Misako and Wu.

Looking away from the photo and back at his son —who was already softly snoring—, the King of the Underworld smiled.

But his smile did not last when he remembered the big issue he faced: how he was going to take care of his son in the long term.

Obviously, he was not going to leave Lloyd at another boarding school nor leave him with his brother, so he needed to find a way to get him food, clothing and other necessities without stealing them so the ninja had no excuse to send him away.

He also needed to think of Lloyd's education, he needed to find a school that was nearby and would take his son.

And the issue that had been on his mind for over a thousand years was the venom in his veins, he knew it would start whispering to him again soon and start making him do bad things.

Ignoring the latter issue, he focused on the others, thinking of solutions.

When he went into Ninjago City tomorrow with Lloyd to get necessities, he needed to stop by a bank and see if he had access to Misako's accounts as he remembered signing a lot of documents early in their marriage.

And if he didn't have access to the money then he would have to sue for child support.


The following morning, after a quick breakfast, Lloyd was helped onto a skull truck by his father, who then got onto the truck as well.

The pair sat in the back as a Skelton drive them into Ninjago City.

The ten year old asked why they stopped in front of the bank, wondering if his father intended to rob it.

But his father assured him that he would be gone for just a minute and that he was not stealing anything.

The King of the Underworld returned about two minutes later frowning.

"What's wrong, dad?" Lloyd asked

Garmadon offered him a soft smile, "Nothing, blossom, but it seems like we have to make one more stop before getting your mattress."

The truck resumed driving, going to a office building where they stopped again, but this time Garmadon took his son with him claiming this task would take awhile.


Lord Garmadon entered the law office, carrying his son with his lower arms as he walked up to the secretary.

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