Prologue part 2

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Y/N:*Surprise* Wow Is this my omnitrix?

Ben: Well is used to be my before 200 years ago but it's now yours.

Azmuth: Yes after Ben Tennyson's death I saved it for when the omnitrix needed for the future new Tennyson and along with some upgrades despite my reluctance I included some special features and functions to help make your forms to be more suitable in combat that you need in the future.

Y/N: Really what are they?

*After Azmuth explain the special features you have in your omnitrix such as Ultimate mode, Fusion mode, Omni Enhancement, Omni Kix armor, Omni Naut, Symbiote mode, and Supreme mode*

Y/N:*Shock* Wow that pretty overpowered.

Azmuth: Yes it is, but there not available yet.

Y/N:*Confuses* Why is that?

Azmuth: Because you're not ready to have it yet, you must earn it like how you are ancestor Ben Tennyson on his powers and to unlock all these special features is the masters control which is another special feature that you're not ready to have yet what Ben Tennyson start with is he had 10-minute time limit and 10 different alien form and your body must get used to transforming otherwise there could be some mutated side effects that could be permanent.

Y/N: I see now I must actually earn the power to make it my own to prove I am a hero.

Ben: Yes you must prove they are not like those fake heroes who only want money and fame and don't care about the responsibility protecting the innocent.

Y/N: Yes I will show them what it is to be a true hero.

Paradox: Yes but there's one thing is available in your Omnitrix and that is Azmuth put in a dimensional teleport in that allows you to teleport and to other dimensions too.

Y/N:*Surprise* Really!

Azmuth: it's what the time walker said it's true but after the death of your parents and your thoughts be death the Plumbers and I cancel the dimension teleporter to prevent anymore plumber agents being killed but when Paradox showed up a year after your parents death he convinced me to add a dimension teleporter feature in your omnitrix because you're going to need it.

Y/N: Need it for what?

Paradox: Well it's because Young Tennyson you will need to travel between other worlds to not only get stronger and earned other powers but to help others worlds who need your help so you can put together a team and allies because you will eventually return back to the previous world you lived in. The reason is that you need to go back there to stop there corrupt society, at first they were real heroes but over time the powers has corrupted most of them and make them no better than the villains on how they treat other innocent people just because they're powerless, or that they have a weak, normal, or villainous power, believing themselves as if they were some sort of God and believe that the strong lives and the weak dies I've seen a dark future and is not pretty, that is why the next 4 years you and soon be your team that you will make in the future will have to go back there and fix their corrupt society before it gets worse even if you have to break the law on using powers without license.

Ben: Beside I don't want you to go solo like how I did before.

Y/N: I understand I can't do this all alone even if I have the omnitrix and know about the laws in my previous world but I don't care I just want to do what is right. But what do you mean" earn other powers"?

Ben: You see since you don't have the master control yet and only have a 10 minute time limit and 10 forms you need to not rely on the omnitrix too much like I said it's just a gadget, but you're the hero so you will need to learn some martial arts and other fight technics in along with some other side abilities to use while the omnitrix is unavailable also get some weapons too. But luckily any new worlds you'll be in you get all these skills, weapons, and others super abilities.

A Hero at Heart (Omnitrix Wielder Male Reader x Union Academy Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now