Chapter 3 (A Devil Problems)

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No One POV

2 week after the Omni Guardians free the Faunus and killed Jacques Schnee and Whitley Schnee, the Faunus are happily and freed on the Island Menagerie who leader is Ghira Belladonna who gladly welcome them home safely and can't thanks the Guardians enough for saving them, meanwhile in Union Academy the Headmasters along with a pissed off General Ironwood who is having a meeting about this.


Ozpin: General we're doing everything we can to track them down, I even sent my best Huntsmen and Huntress even they having no luck.

Sirzech: I've sent multiple high raking devils along with their peerage even they are having difficulties and that portal went through it was untraceable.

Hanzo: The Shinobis I sent too but came back nothing.

Nezu: I called multiple heroes including
All might to search for them.

All might: But we fail the find them. We don't know where they go to hang up their capes at the end of the day.

Ironwood: You all clearly didn't look hard enough to find these criminals and they attacked Atlas and killed Jacques Schnee. They're too dangerous to roam free and there disturbing the balance between our society we work so hard to maintain. They must be locked up and be punished for the crimes and along with their tech being confiscated.

Nezu: I don't think it's wise to be using unknown tech if you don't know what it is.

Ironwood: I'm sure that once we catch these criminals we can force them to tell us their technology and we can restore and make Atlas stronger than before.

All Might: I do see great potential in them but they're going on the wrong path.

Ozpin: He's right we just got to find them and convince them to join our school and they'll be on the right path of good.

Sirzech: Yes my baby sister wants some of them in her peerage and the rest can be a great addition to our family in the Gremory Household.

Ironwood: You're serious actually planning on allowing criminals to be part of this school!

Ozpin: Well I don't see them evil James, they're just misguided we can help them set on the right path of good and make them true heroes.

Nezu: Yes and we're already dealing with threats such as the League of Darkness and the White Fang. We don't need more threats to deal with, we need more allies.

Ironwood: Are you sure this is a wise idea to make these criminals are allies, which they should be behind bars right now.

Nezu: Vigilantes are not real criminals they just don't have licenses to be heros, yes we know they killed Jacques Schnee and his son but they present us the evidence that we fail to find on what he was doing was illegal so hate to tell you but he was a real criminal.

Ironwood: Well we'll find the one way or another we can just try put a bounty on their heads and make the most wanted.

Hanzo: I don't think that's smart either.

A Hero at Heart (Omnitrix Wielder Male Reader x Union Academy Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now