Chapter 2 (Freeing the Faunus)

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No one pov

A month later after the Omni Guardians defeated Diablo and reveal themselves to the world on who they are they still continue doing there vigilante work and protecting the innocent and the rest of the members who weren't with them fighting Diablo we're actually where's scouting around the city to see if anyone who was hurt and needs saving from Diablo's rampage. The negative feedback that were given to them by the public change very quickly, about now over 85% of Union City support and claimed them as true heroes.

The fake "heroes" who only want money, fame and glory are getting jealous of them on how they are getting most of spot light than them, still see the Guardians as criminals who they want to put them behind bars, now they are Union's most wanted vigilantes in the world. The Headmaster are trying everything in their powers to get them to join their school, Rias and the others Devils wants most of them to join their peerage because the power they possess, General Ironwoods wants to capture and experiment on the Guardians to find out the source of there powers and steal there tech.

With the League Of Darkness, Salem she wants the Guardians to join them to help defeat and kill Ozma, All For One also wants the same thing too if not he want to steal their "quirks" for himself and as for his doctor he wants to experiment on their bodies to see if he can create more powerful Nomus. Ophis wants them to be her servants'

Now all the top pro "heroes" huntsmen, and huntresses, high ranking devils and shinobis are all out there looking for them even the lackeys who work with the leaders of the league of Darkness are looking for them too. In Union Academy the students would mostly talk about these new vigilantes some talk about them being Heroes others saying they're just some low-life Vigilantes who are breaking the law and should be arrested
There's even a secretly a fan club of the Omni Guardians and who believe their Heroes who are mostly Y/N's Friends the other side is Anti Omni Guardian who the ones who believe the Guardians are criminals are who mostly Y/N's Bullies. Now The Omni Guardians are in the meeting room talking about their next mission

Y/N POV and The Meeting room

Y/N: All right listen guys very carefully I got a new mission for us to do.

Omega: What's today missions?

Y/N: We are going to Atlas.

*Most of the Omni Guardians look at me shock*

Leo: Why are we going there?

Y/N: Jacques Schnee the CEO of The Schnee Dust Company has enslaved innocent Faunus to work in his mine, not just men but women, elderly, and children. He's even allowing his guards to abuse them include his son Whitley Schnee who also hurt the female Faunus.

Ilana:*Gasp* That sounds horrible how could he do these horrible things these innocent people for being different?

Bubbles: *Eye Sob* Yeah so mean.

Buttercup:*Crack her knuckles* So what the plan to beat the shit outta of these assholes?

Y/N: Well this is going to be a stealth mission Me, Danny, Randy, Ezra, Sabine, Ahsoka, 2B, Kim, Omega, Marinette, Adrian, and the Turtles are coming with me to take him down and expose the heinous crimes he committed with his son to the world and we're all going to the mines the free the Faunus. The rest I didn't called names are going to escorts them to safety. Ahsoka are those old republic gunships good?

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