Chapter 1 (4 years later)

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4 years later after I got my omnitrix and traveled to other worlds with Zed and Ship I gotta a lot stronger than before, I learned new abilities, made new friends and family and I earned the master control and got new weapons. I am know as the Hero of heroes after I free slavery from other planets, saved the universe in other worlds more time I can count, defeated overlords and others The friends I made we called ourselves The Omni Guardians, once I got my team we went to my old universe and set up our new HQ on artificial Island I used my smartest alien forms to helped design the base and help with defense and security system. After we settled in our new base we did small time vigilante work in Union City and around the world for a month now because we are not ready to reveal ourselves to the public and I kept my secret identity too because this world still think I'm dead and I will show the truth in future when the time is ready. When we did our vigilante work we made sure the news and anyone didn't see us so Union think we are some low life vigilantes who are breaking the laws and rebel against society and the so called pro"heroes" say ("that we will catch these vigilante scums there no match against us heroes").

I also teach my team on how to use Haki and so far most of them can use only 1 and 2 or 3 type of Haki and even few learned full counter. We once saved I Island from a villain attack without Union knowing because the villains cut off all communications and we were able to sense people in danger on the Island, but now I Island supports us and were able to come visit there without getting arrested and they won't tell Union. Later we became good friends with David shield and his daughter Melissa I reveal my secret identity to them and told them the truth on what really happened and even show them my Omnitrix memory video function( that allow user to show their memory to others), after explaining they were shocked and pissed especially David who couldn't believe All might and the Headmasters would do this. So than he told us the secret of one for all and how All might used to be powerless too and now it was my turn to be piss.

After 2 week stay on I Island we got to know the Shield family more and I'm dating his daughter which he allowed to this, me and her went on a few dates. We left the Island and say our goodbyes, Now me and the guardians are just chilling in the base after we did some training workout until we got alarm that a monster is attacking Union city and we see the so called "heroes" weren't winning, so it was time to show the world who we are.

Omni Guardians HQ

Y/N: Well guys let get ready a few of us will be going, the rest can stay behind will called if we need help, Friday get the Ground Bridge set on the location I give you.

Friday: Yes Y/N, setting coordinates.

*We got ourselves ready to head to the Ground Bridge*

No ones POV

In Union Academy 4 years pass after Y/N death, Y/N friend group are still depressed, a few years ago the week after his death the group found out that his bullies were having a party and were happy he's dead, the friend group got really pissed and trash the party and broke out in a big fight. Later on that day when the Teachers and the Headmasters found out what happened they give the friend group detention for starting the fight, but they didn't really care, some of the teachers actually and still do regret for not helping Y/N and for neglecting him and give him punishment that he did not deserve the teacher such as
Mr Aizawa, Present Mic, Port, Oobleck, Hanzo, Rin, Daidouji, Kiriya, Nezu, Powerloader, Azazel, Qrow, and especially Goodwitch and Midnight who always regretted hurting Y/N everyday and they can't even holding on to there riding crop without remembering that day. Eventually Kiba, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Gasper, and Rossweiss found
Y/N grave that his friends group kept secret from the rest of the academy, when they got there they came to pay their respects and saying they were sorry.

A Hero at Heart (Omnitrix Wielder Male Reader x Union Academy Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now