Chapter 6 (Saving some Ladies and evil slowly returning)

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Land of Darkness in Salem's Castle

*We see the masters of the league of Darkness having a meeting to talk about there future plans to how to deal with The Omni Guardians and wanted to learn more about them and their powers*

*We see the masters of the league of Darkness having a meeting to talk about there future plans to how to deal with The Omni Guardians and wanted to learn more about them and their powers*

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Dogen: Hmm... these vigilantes are interesting I must say.

AFO: Out of all my long endless years of life and stealing quirks, I never seen such powers. Even the doctor want to experiment on their body's to know more about their powers.

Salem: Yes they have... unique powers I never seen before would be very use to us.

Ophis: Most of them seem tough especially the leader Omni Knight~.

Dogen: Out of all these group of the vigilantes who called themselves the Omni Guardians he could be more powerful then we think.

AFO: He almost like me on how he has and uses multiple quirks in these strange forms.

*AFO presses a button it open up a screen of Y/N in some of his Alien forms*

Salem: Do you really think it's a "quirk" he has?

Ophis: It's obviously a sacred gear.

Dogen: I would care less on what it is really. As long as it something we can take for our self.

AFO: Well we don't know exactly on what the rest of the Omni Guardian's powers are? Well figure it out once we find them and bring them here to meet there acquaintance who know they would be a great addition to our growing family.

Salem: of course I simply would like to know more about them and their unknown tech.

Dogen: Yes were all criminals under the law's definition the Omni Guardians are no different then we are. There's no way they can turn down our offer we give them when we meet them.

Ophis: The only problem is we can't find them, our followers we sent to look for these vigilantes to bring them here failed.

AFO: Hopefully Tomura, Cinder, Vali, and Kagura and the others won't came back empty handed and valuable information about there where about. They better not disappoint us.

*Just then warp gate open up Kurogiri appeared along with the others stepping out*

*Just then warp gate open up Kurogiri appeared along with the others stepping out*

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