Chapter 7 (A little horn girl)

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No One Pov

Meanwhile in Union Academy

*When the news came out that Ace Op fought The Omni Guardians and lost was a shocked giving Union reaction mixture of both fear and anger especially Weiss who was pissed off on how her sister was beaten by Omni Knight. Ironwood called for a meeting in Union Academy with the Headmasters and teacher about a plan to deal with the Omni Guardians*

Union Academy Meeting room

*After Ironwood explain about his new "business partners" plan*

Ozpin: General are you sure as wise trust is mysterious person that you've never met before?

Ironwood: I know it sounds stupid, but I'm willing to take that risk if we're going to take down those criminals once and for all. He's going to offer us more help and weapons.

Nezu: Even though you never met this person before are you positive you can trust him?

Ironwood:* a little pissed* Look is either this or unless you got better idea to deal with these scums! If so you better hurry up because every day when we couldn't find them we have to increase there bounties almost everyday.

Hanzo: I'm honestly getting a bad feeling about this.

Sirzechs: Well I'm on bored with this.

*The other Headmasters look at him a bit surprise well Ironwood smirk*

Sirzechs:*pissed* Well the General's right not only are these criminals making us look bad and pretending to be heroes. But I can't forgive them for what they did to my baby sister and her peerage when she asked them nicely to join us, but instead they send them to recovery girls office for a few days. And the Red Dragon Emperor himself has been crying often because somehow Omni Knight took away his "dress breaker" ability away make him difficult to use his powers.

*the Headmaster and Teachers have already heard about this news and some were happy to heard that Omni Knight took Issei's"dress breaker"ability away*

Nezu:*thought* I was actually so happy to heard about that.

Hanzo:*thought* I maybe a pervert sometimes but at least I don't force women to get naked. Well my granddaughter and her friend can be safe from that bastard.

Goodwitch and Midnight:*thought* I'm very thankful Omni Knight. You have no idea what it meant to me for dealing with that disgusting pervert.

Rin:*thought* Thank God for that.

Daidouji:*thought* Finally less pervertedness from that freak.

Aizawa:*thought* I wish I erased that power away, this is but this is way better.

Present Mic:*thought* Glad to hear about that.

Kiriya:*thought* Good my Shinobi student can finally be safe.

Powerloader:*thought* Waiting for this for a long time.

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