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Super duper important, probably:

The character used in this story is a character from another one of my stories. While I don't consider it mandetory, since I imagine it would be a pain to read through that whole other fic just to get to read this one, I'll have a bio of the character right under here.

Of course, even with the bio, you won't be able to get some of the references he makes to his actions in his own book.

If you want to know where exactly the character is at this point of time in the story, read my fanfic: The Witch's Child. All the way up to the chapter called "too young to drink".

And if you had already read that story, lucky you, I guess.

Name: Natsuki Mamoru



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Age: 1

Height: 155 cm

Race: Mabeast.

Clothing: Likes to wear whatever is fitting for the occasion. So if he were to go to a formal meeting, he'd wear a extravagant suit for the hell of it or if he goes on a mission.

Bio: Mamoru is a Mabeast that lacks a certain level of human compassion. He has no issue with killing, ripping apart or even eating his enemies if he so desires. He tends to enjoy mocking, torturing and killing his enemies as he takes sadistic pleasure in these kinds of acts. He is also extremely cocky and will underestimate his opponents.

As a bonus, he lacks understanding of emotion in a similar manner as someone like Echidna, although not to the same extreme extend as her.

Mamoru loves his Father and his family above all else and would burn the world down even if it was to give them even an extra second of happiness. While he is completely loyal to them and he would follow his Father's orders, he could go against those orders if he deems them to be ridiculous.

In certain cases, he's a massive hypocrite, especially if it involves cases with his Father.


Authority of Sloth:

Unseen Hands: Allow the user to create several black and invisible hands out of the user's back to help him in any way, shape or form. Mamoru can currently make around 200 of them.

Authority of Greed:


Authority of Gluttony:

The Eyes of Hunger: allow the user to change their eye color to a golden, yellowish color that cause immense hunger to whoever dares glance upon them. (The left eye is tame, atleast if you compare it to the effects of the right eye.)

Mabeast Control: allows the user to completely control any Mabeast to their will. (Won't affect certain special Mabeasts like the Black Serpant.)

Authority of Wrath:

Allows the user to completely heal any damage on anyone, no matter how fatal it may be. This comes at the cost of the user's own stamina.

Authority of Lust:

Faceless Bride: this allows the user to change into the one his target loves most. This is only an illusion though as this doesn't grant Mamoru any physical strength or changes. (The user isn't aware of who the other person sees him as.)

Authority of Envy:

Jealous Switch: Allows the user to swap themselves, anyone or any objects between eachother as long as they hold a similar mass and size, while he usually can't swap things around if he can't see them, as long as he is able to roughly visuallize what might be behind whatever is blocking his vision, he would be able to swap it.

Shadow Manipulation: A somewhat different version of the ability the Witch of Envy holds. He is able to manipulate shadows, however he can only create these shadows out of actual shadows, which makes the ability far more effective in the night as the lack of light makes any area a mine field for shadows.

He is able to use these shadows in the same manner as the Witch of Envy.

Authority of Pride:

It judges a person's sins and proceeds to break their body apart depending on their sins and guilt.

The amount of pain is depends on the sins the target has commited while how their body breaks apart depends on the target's guilt.

This doesn't make the ability invincible as anyone who lacks any guilt or sin can avoid it's effects. (If the target doesn't recognize their sins as sins, then the Authority won't recognize them either and won't affect the target.)

Special blood:

Mamoru's blood is special, if anyone consumes his blood or if even a single drop falls into the target's body, they will start to either transform into a humanoid Mabeast, a Mabeast with a lack of intelligence or die a painful death.

Superhuman Abilities:

Thanks to his Mabeast heritage, he holds superhuman abilities in every category like speed, power and reflexes. He's so strong in fact that he'd be able to pick up an adult male and rip his body in half with reletive ease.


Grudgeful Despair: It allows Mamoru to pull a strange, black and slimy axe that causes massive amounts of damage to whatever may be in it's way.

When in use it emits a small aura that could intimidate his enemies. When in use, the axe causes Mamoru's mental stability to decrease, that effect is only amplified when Mamoru makes the weapon bigger and stronger.

The weapon itself is also able to change forms, however Mamoru hasn't used it in such a manner as of yet.


Unnamed Slash Technique: While using his Grudgeful Despair, Mamoru mixes the weapon with his shadows and swings the weapon in a vertical manner, causing the shadows to be released and making them travel through the earth and sky as whatever it touched gets sliced in half.


Mamoru's voice has a certain echo to it, as if two people spoke at the same time. Giving most people that would speak to him for the first time a chill in their spine.

Mamoru likes human flesh. Especially the brain.

He likes to show-off his power, especially infront of someone watching.

Note: Lmao, now that I read his bio, without context he really just sounds like a god damn psychopath. (Guess that's not exactly wrong, but he's certainly not some heartless monster.)

Some context:

The reason he's 1 is because he was "built" rather than being born out of a womb or something like that.

If you care enough to know what a Mabeast is, go type in google "Re:zero Mabeast". Don't worry though, his race won't be exactly important in the story.

In terms of his appearance, he looks like he's around the age of 14.

TL;DR: Mentally challenged kid with weird creepy magic and a taste for human flesh is thrown into the world of Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Along side the fact that he knows the world of 2016 and his own medieval one.

In other words, not confusing whatsoever.

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