Chapter Fifteen - Saving the Gremlin

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I knocked on the door of the warehouse, not too long afterwards the door was opened revealing David, who looked surprised at seeing me.

Well, probably not the fact that I'm here, that was to be expected, rather, he's surprised by the state I'm in.

David:...Uh, you good?

Mamoru: Yea, it's not mine. Don't worry.

I entered the warehouse and entered the room where the rest were.

Mamoru: What's going on?

Maine turned to me, silent for a moment as he saw me covered in blood, though he decided not to question it. There were far more important matters at hand.

Maine: Maelstrom want to exchange Rebecca for a military-grade drone.

I clicked my tongue and sat down on the empty couch, Maine was clearly not amused at me staining the couch with the blood that was on me, but I didn't really give a shit.

Mamoru: So what? Now we have to go on a fucking fetch quest for some fucking drone?

He shook his head in denial.

Maine: No, I actually have one in stock.

Mamoru: Great, let's go take back Rebecca.

He chuckled lightly and tried to bring up the mood somewhat.

Maine: You know, you usually would have replied with a witty rema-

Mamoru: Uh-huh. That's great. We going or what?

Kiwi: Sorry to burst your bubble, kid. But the meeting ain't happening for the next three hours.

I glance over at Kiwi but didn't offer up a direct reply.


I hummed to myself for a moment, I glanced up at the roof and noticed that it was newly made, seems like Maine did some adjustments.

Mamoru: Let's just say that something were to crash through the roof right there, how much would that cost?

Maine looked more or less clueless as to why I was asking that question, but he answered it anyway.

Maine: Not much, why?

Right as he said that I kicked the table and it went flying up and through the roof outside.

Maine, Dorio and David looked flabergasted while Kiwi and Lucy looked calm, though slightly surprised.

Pilar just looked like he was a spectator in a baseball game and someone hit a home run.

Despite what I expected to happen, Maine didn't seem too bothered by my actions, he just grumbled and leaned back in his seat.

Maine: You're paying for that.

I shrugged, I didn't really mind. I just really needed to kick or punch something in that moment.

Three hours? What a pain in my fucking ass. So what? I'm just supposed to sit there, waiting for those fuck heads at Maelstrom to bring Rebecca to us?

Maine: And yes, you are going to wait here.

And what the fuck are you? A mind reader?


I swear to christ, if I have to wait for one more god damn minute I'll fucking murder someone right now.

Fuck, if only I knew where those fuckers were. I could tear them apart with my bare hands then...

I'll Go To Hell And Back For You | Rebecca X Natsuki MamoruWhere stories live. Discover now