Chapter Twenty - Cyberpsycho

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??? P.O.V

It felt so sudden, it happened in an instant, but I can't falter now. I will die otherwise.

Dozens of demons and disgusting creatures surrounded me, I didn't know where they came from, but that didn't matter. The moment I saw one, I went in for the killing blow.

The implants I had installed not too long ago were outdated by today's standards, but thanks to my skill I still managed to cut through the hordes of these abominations! Fuck, they were even running away, is that how scary I am to them? Lit!

I briefly wondered where anyone else was. Before these demons appeared, thr streets around me were filled with people, but, as if at the snap of a finger they all disappeared, leaving only these monsters here.

From the sky came new abominations, they had multiple green glowing eyes on their head, like a giant bug.

Out of their arms came some kind of blast at me, but I managed to dodge them at the nick of time thanks to my cybernetics.

For some reason though, some of the monsters hesitated for a moment and stared up at the sky. I didn't let whatever trap they laid out succeed and I launched myself at one of the bug abominations. Right as I was about to slice the abomination apart with my mantis blades, I felt a painful strike hit me on the left side of my stomach and I was launched into a wall.

Third person P.O.V

Maxtac had been trained for any kind of scenario involving cyberpsychos, or any other possible threat against them. They are so well trained in fact that they rarely have any issues when dealing with most cyberpsychos, maybe one casualty or two if the cyberpsycho happens to have a high grade piece of tech....

So why was this lone cyberpsycho with outdated tech giving them so much trouble?

It didn't make sense, no matter how you looked at it. Not only were they highly trained and had excellent tech, but they also had a number advantage. On paper, they could realisticly send a single Maxtac officer to neutralize the target without much issue.

And yet here they were, unable to take down this singular cyberpsycho.

However, even then, eventually they would overwhelm her. It didn't matter how long she held out for, everyone gets tired and has the occasional slip-up, especially in such a deranged state.

Or so it should have been, but not long after the fight started, something came crashing down from the sky.

Someone, or something crashed to the left side of the cyberpsycho and without even a second wasted slammed it's leg into the left side of her stomach. Her body crashing into a wall nearby, that blow would have killed most people, but the cyberpsycho seemed to have gotten lucky and survived the strike, still somehow being able to get up. Despite how much it seemed to hurt her to do so.

That wasn't the part any of the Maxtac officers focussed on. They simply couldn't stop staring at the abomination infront of them.

Both legs and arms were clearly, fully cybernetic with no flesh or bone anywhere to be seen. However it's torso looked more like a lump of flesh, though still being thin like it's metallic arms and legs. It's head was covered by a metallic mask that had two glowing eyes on it, hiding whatever the creatures face was

Each and every Maxtac officer present had seen many things, be it a new recruit or a veteran. But one thing was true for all of the officers involved.

None of them had ever seen a abomination such as this, something so...Inhuman. The only person that might be comparable is Adam Smasher, but it was a well known fact that Adam was still born a human like the rest of them.

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