Chapter Eight - Drunk Disaster

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Rebecca P.O.V

One bottle. It only took one. One fucking bottle, that's all it took.

How the fuck does that even work? I wanted to fuck around and see how Mamoru would react to alcohol and now?

This is bad, really really fucking bad. I hate the idea of the others seeing this, but this is really damn bad. I need to call them right now...


Third person P.O.V

Despite the party from a couple hours before and the current time of night, David had insisted to go on a run with Lucy again and eventually she relented.

Right now David was keeping up with Lucy while he asked her a couple of questions every few minutes, although he could tell that she was slightly annoyed...Maybe he shouldn't have asked her for a run with her this late at night. He figured that it was too late to turn back now, so he hoped that she won't get too annoyed with him now.

His eyes widened slightly as he was getting a sudden, unexpected call from someone. It was Rebecca, weirdly enough. She hadn't called him before so it was a bit strange that she was calling him now.

He answered it as Rebecca began to speak quickly.

Rebecca: [Fuck! I need back-up right now! I'm in my apartment and- Ah!]

The call got cut off with a yell of surprise from Rebecca. Lucy suddenly stopped, almost causing David to bump into her.

Lucy: Follow me!

David quickly nodded and ran after Lucy, now he knew that that call was sent to probably everyone in the group. He hoped that Rebecca was alright and that nothing happened to her, Mamoru should be with her right now...But if she made a call like this then...

He tried calling Mamoru, but he didn't answer it, not even after a whole two minutes.

The two ran as fast as they could, Lucy was faster than him and had a lot more stamina, so David was having trouble keeping up with her, but luckly they weren't that far away from Rebecca and Pilar's apartment, so he didn't lose her in their run.


Eventually they arrived as they looked up at the apartment and prepared to go in. Before they could though, Maine's car pulled up with him getting out first, with Pilar and Dorio following him afterwards.

Maine: Quick! Get inside!

He had his gun at the ready, so did Dorio and Pilar while Lucy was prepared to pull out her monowire.

David got ready to activate his Sandevistan, with Maine in front he almost kicked down the door and aimed his gun at any potential enemy.

They had expected to see a lot of things. Enemies, cops or anything like that, but what they saw was beyond any of their expectations.

The apartment was trashed, with many random items being scattered on the floor. It was as if a whole hurricane had started in the apartment and had trashed the place.

Rebecca: H-Heyo....

They all looked up at the ceiling, there was Rebecca. Stuck to the ceiling with an excessive amount of tape around her body.

There was an awkward silence as no one knew what to say at this point as they all stared at Rebecca who looked away awkwardly at her situation. The sight was almost comedic to them.

Suddenly, a lot of plates were heard falling to the ground and breaking in the kitchen. Out of instinct, everyone with a gun pointed a their weapons in the direction of the noise as footsteps could be heard approaching.

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