Chapter Fourteen - Kidnapping

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Mamoru P.O.V

Maine had said something that this was a netrunning mission, so we could stay and watch. Honestly, I hadn't listened to what he said and just stayed since I was a bit stuck in my own head, why? Well...

I kissed Rebecca, well, she kissed me, but it was my idea at first to kiss her.

I almost want to let out a small "kya!" Whenever I think about that moment, but I don't want to look like a schoolgirl in live, though that's probably how Rebecca would describe me either way.

To try and distract myself, I looked at Lucy who was currently naked in a icebath. Apparantly, netrunning increases your temperature to the point that she needs to sit in an icebath.

Eventually, she got out of the bath, naked, which meant that David who stood next to me was staring quite a bit. Still don't get how people in this world are so shameless...

The sight of her right breast was covered up as Pilar put a towel on her and without much subtlety tried to grab her chest. Which earned an angry reaction from David...Dude, you obviously like her, just ask her out already...

...Weird, for some reason, if Rebecca was here she would probably have a negative reaction to me even thinking that, wonder why...

Pilar's attempted groping was prevented by some kind of defensive mechanism in Lucy's body that shocked Pilar with some electricity.


I was back in Rebecca's apart- or was it Pilar's apartment? Not sure who owns this...Doesn't matter, I guess.

Anyway, I was looking out the window with Rebecca watching the TV. I might have joined her, but I was currently faced with a large problem.

What the hell are we? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Friends with benefits? Wife and husband?

Fuck...Right! I should remember father's advise on girls! Right, right, right...What did he say again? Uh....



Oh. I never asked him about it since I was never interested. Fu-

Rebecca: You good? You look like you're about to shit yourself.

Urgh, what an elegant way to put that.

I looked over at her, no longer affected by her near lack of clot- just kidding, now that we kissed I had attained a new level of awareness that brought back my embarrassment whenever I looked at her with only her underwear.

What a pain, I had just gotten used to it too...

Mamoru: Yea, I'm fine. By the way, what are w-

Rebecca: Oh! I know! Tell me more about yourself!

What's with her sudden excitement?

Mamoru: U-Uhm...Sure...?

She looked giddy as she grabbed the tv-remote and turned off the TV. She then patted the couch, indicating that she wanted me to sit there.

Without much of a choice I sat down and waited for the upcoming onslaught of questions.

Rebecca: So, how many outputs or inputs have you had?

I was fairly certain that I was staring at her with a blank face, I mean, what does that even mean? Input? Output? Like audio? But why would she ask me how many I've had?

As the seconds passed, she seemed to realize the issue.

Rebecca: How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had?

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