Chapter Thirteen - Her Feelings

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She has met many people in her life, ugly and hot alike, but out of all of them, even the other new recruit who was pretty good looking himself, Mamoru had to be the cutest being that she had ever seen in her entire life.

At first, she thought that they would be getting one recruit as usual and the Maxim job was going to be a test for the new recruit. She had seen him only for a moment in the bar before she had to distract Maxim to give David enough time to escape.

But after all that Maine drops the bomb on her that they were suddenly getting another new recruit and when she first saw him at the part- Oh god he was cute. Like, hella cute.

His almost unreal natural red glowy eyes, the white hair which was apparantly also somehow natural and his voice that sounded like he was speaking through a washing machine WHICH WAS ALSO SOMEHOW NATURAL!

All that combined made the cutest being that Rebecca has ever seen, his stupid little fucking baby face. The image of an adorable guy like him being an edgerunner was hilarious to her.

The moment she saw him and spoke to him was the moment she decided that she'll keep him all to herself, I mean, how could she not?

They had spoken a little when they first met, nothing special was said between us though, not the best first talk but she did learn his name.

Natsuki Mamoru. Mamoru......

The name kind of reminded her of how those saka' cunts from Japan are named, but quite frankly, she couldn't careless.

His ungodly cuteness overshadowed any possible shitty feelings she may have had at his name.

The best thing ever that happened after that was learning of how Maine let Mamoru into the crew.

Mamoru had slammed Pilar against the wall. She had laughed her ass of for a good hour when she heard that, she loved the image in her mind of little ol' Mamoru grabbing lanky ass looking Pilar and slamming him against the wall.

And don't even get her started on when she was told that Mamoru would live with her and Pilar. A literal jackpot, she did feel a bit bad tho, Mamoru would have to live with Pilar, that fucking asshole, of all people.

Mamoru, apparantly wasn't told that she lived with Pilar (to her own misfortune) since he looked really surprised to see him here. Or maybe it was the fact that she was wearing only her underwear, who knows?

He looked really fucking embarrassed when they talked since she wore only her underwear and fuck, it only made him more adorable to her. With how fucked Night City was, Mamoru was like finding a sane person in the Maelstrom gang.

She wanted to pounce on him in that very moment, the sheer amount of cuteness that had been right infront of her made it almost difficult to control herself, but one very important thing did.

She knew how to tell certain emotions in people from the look in their eye. From her time with Mox and how men looked at her or the other girls, it was pretty fucking obvious to her know how to tell whether someone is thinking about you sexually.

To her surprise, Mamoru looked embarrassed, but that's all it was. Embarrassment, no lust, nothing sexual going in that brain of his.

She imagined that since he looked pretty young, that he would be at an age where sex is all he would think about. But I guess seeing a woman in her underwear didn't make him feel like that, why he was embarrassed then she had no idea...

Even when she started teasing him, it was only more embarrassment and a bigger, more adorable blush on his face. Even when she made a VERY CLEAR sexual comment, he only shakily told her that her chest was small.

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