Chapter Twenty Two - Date with Rebecca

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Mamoru P.O.V

For the time being, I let Veronica go home while sending her a small amount of eddies so that she can live for a short while without working. I'd rather have her stay at home for now, to try and get used to her new found strength.

I'll break the news of Veronica to the crew later, for now, something far more important has to be done.

A date with Rebecca!

I did find it surprising that she was okay enough to go on a date a mere two days after Pilar died, but I guess that's night city for ya....

It makes me wonder...what if dad was here? Could he make a difference in this worthless excuse for a city...?

If anyone could do it, it would probably be him.

Urgh, no matter. I need to stop thinking about that. I have a date I need to focus on.

Once the time came to finally go, neither of us dressed up in any different clothing from our usual ones. It wasn't like it was going to be some ultra serious romantic date after all. We were just going to try and have some fun around night city, as much as you can have fun in a city where seeing a deadly car chase was a common thing that just happens.

From Rebecca's own personal reccomendation, we went to Japantown since they apparantly had, in her own words "some good fucking food".

We had decided to walk there, since it wasn't too far away from where we were. And hey, walking is healthy, right?

It was daytime, since Rebecca herself said that it's a lot more pleasant there during the day.

As we walked towards our destination hand in hand, Rebecca suddenly asked me a question out of the blue.

Rebecca: I wanna get some new cybernetics.

Mamoru: I'm not paying for that.

She snickered while nudging me with her elbow.

Rebecca: Come ooooon! Don't you wanna make your output happy?

[Author's note: quick question, is it input or output for girlfriend? When I look it up on the wiki, it say that input means girlfriend, but by 2077 it came to mean the opposite. Which one is it?]

Mamoru: Sorry Becca, already paying for whatever home we'll be getting. Don't get greedy now, kay?

Naturally, I knew that she was joking. So I was just playing along. But my comment on our future new home seemed to worsen her mood slightly.

Rebecca:...Are you sure that you wanna pay for the whole home? I can chip in a couple of eddi--

I stopped and put my left hand on Rebecca's hip while using my right hand to lift her chin up to look at me. Due to this sudden action, she completely froze up.

Mamoru: Becca, do you know what I want the most in this shitty world right now?

She didn't respond. For a while, she just looked flabergasted at my boldness.

Mamoru: I want you to be happy, so don't you worry your sweet, surprisingly big ass about a thing.

She giggled, amused by my lack of tact in this kind of public enviorment.

Rebecca: How cute, I almost miss the dense and innocent little version of you.

She reached over and wrapped both of her arms around my neck as she pulled herself closer to me. As we were now, there was a mere couple of centimeters of distance between our lips.

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