III. Distant Memories

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"There's sweet music here that softer falls than petals from blown roses on the grass or night dews on still waters between walls of shadowy granite in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies."

Renesmee listened carefully to the words her mother read. Rare moments were these given the circumstances. Though she appeared calm, the thought of the Volturi appearing at any moment worried Bella immensely.



"Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper run away because we're gonna die?" The young girl asked in a quiet voice.

Renesmee was afraid. She knew something was wrong when Jasper and Alice had left so unexpectedly. The hushed arguments she heard through the walls at night only added to her theory. Renesmee knew it was because of her that her family was in a turmoil, though she couldn't understand why. Even now, she was still getting used to the world she had been born into. There was so much Renesmee had yet to learn.

Bella sighed.

"No. I think they left to keep us safer. That's what all these other people are here for, too. I'll never let anybody hurt you." She smiled at her.

Renesmee snuggled into the arms of her mother. Bella rubbed her back, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.

"Can we play hide and seek?" Renesmee asked suddenly.

Bella smiled, stifling a low laugh. "It's kind of late, don't you think?"

"I'm not tired yet." She pleaded.

Bella nodded. "Alright."

Renesmee stood up in an instant, lightly dusting her pants.
"Give me ten seconds!" She exclaimed, rushing out the door.

Bella could hear her soft footsteps gradually decrease as she ran further away from her room. Moments like this reminded Bella about the times she used to play with her parents when they were still together.

She let some time pass until she finally stood up from the bed and made her way outside. Bella walked as quiet as possible as to not alert Renesmee. She crept into the living room and scanned her surroundings for any sign of Renesmee's presence. Her eyes darted amongst the many places she could of been hiding in.
Bella walked around the sofa, hoping to find her crouching in between the small crevice she'd always hide in. No sign of Renesmee.

Sneaky, she thought.

"Renesmee." She called out. A soft thud came from above her.


Bella made her way up the stairs and towards the attic. There Renesmee was, sitting on her knees and quietly scavenging through a box that had fallen down.

Bella arched a brow. "You're not exactly hiding." She spoke. Renesmee looked up, giving her a sly smile.

"I was, but I dropped this on accident." She replied.

"What is it?"

Bella walked closer to Renesmee and knelt down. The box was fairly old, the corners worn and bent, perhaps having been damaged over the years. There was a single piece of thread wrapped around the sides meant to keep it closed. She pulled at the string. Inside were various items which appeared to have belonged in a different time period.

Bella pulled out a small black box, the kind that came from an upscale jewelry boutique. She opened it to find a pearl necklace barely twinkling in the poor light. There were small faded scratches in the milky white stones. Bella ran her fingers alongside the case, feeling some kind of texture underneath. She turned it around only to find an engraving;

Happy Birthday, My Beloved. It read.

There were other pouches with platinum and gold jewelry in them, decorated in polished sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds. Amongst other items were a set of faded playing cards and an old box of checkers. There was a small felt bag full of marbles and dice, the kind children used to once play with. A stack of wooden building blocks laid neatly untouched in its box. It was clear all these toys had been the childhood amusement for someone many decades ago, but who exactly? Perhaps they belonged to one of her in laws.

Bella pulled out several worn out sketchbooks. The spines were falling apart causing most of the pages to fall out. The drawings were clearly made by a child. They were messy and Bella's hands stained from the charcoal inside.

"Look mom." Renesmee said pulling out a small frame.

Bella glanced over, grabbing it from her hands. She examined the portrait carefully, not wanting to damage the fragile case.
The portrait, if she could call it that, was merely a piece of old parchment paper. The paint was cracked and chipped, but Bella could still make out the face of a young girl. She had long dark hair and a doll like face.
Still, there was something about the painting that made her feel uneasy. It could of been the lack of expression on her face or the blood red eyes she had.

"Who is she?" Renesmee asked.

Bella had come to the realization that these items belonged to this mysterious girl. However, she had no clue as to who she was or whether or not she was related to any of the members of her family.

"I'm not sure." She replied.

"What trouble are you two up too?" Edward spoke loudly and laughed as he entered the attic.

He walked over and bend down to their stature, scanning the items scattered around the floor. Bella smiled at him. A confused look crossed his face.

"Dad, do you know who she is?" Renesmee questioned, handing him the frame carefully. Edward took the picture from her hands and stared down at it.

His smile faded. Edward became increasingly silent as his eyes drank in the image he'd never thought he'd see again. His mind was immediately flooded with past memories, ones he had pushed away long ago. He was paralyzed. There was a haunting sensation that spread over his body.
It'd been so long since he'd thought about her, the young girl who had once been a part of his family. A girl who had been nurtured and immensely loved by everyone only to be shipped away and forgotten as if she had never existed.


Edward had been in a trance for so long that he hadn't heard his name being called.


His head immediately snapped in a instant, focusing on his daughter. Edward turned back to the portrait once more and then at her.
Alethea. Renesmee.

"Is Carlisle still here?" Edward asked suddenly, his grip on the frame becoming tighter.

"I think he's downstairs. What's wrong Edward?" Bella questioned, confused at his odd behavior.

Edward stood up, holding the frame in both his hands. His eyes met hers, nodding in certainty.

"I have an idea."

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