V. Greed

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Humans were shallow beings. They dwelled on the surface of false perceptions and adorned themselves with fake smiles. They all had it, she could tell. The crowd was filled with liars and arrogant people. Said people who claimed to be her friends, yet she would only see them for what they really were. Mere humans.

Observing from the balcony she stood, dressed in a million dollars from head to toe. Her silk gloves glid along the marble railing. She moved without shame and held her head up high. Her walk was intimidating yet elegant.

Alethea Thornehill, righteous beneficiary to the Thornehill household.

She was a woman drowning in immense riches and power. The life she had was one many could only dream for. Alethea had never intended to be self centered, but she learned to be, for her care about the world stopped at tip of her fingernails.

The manor she owned had architecture like no other in all of London. It was large and held significant meaning to her. The estate lay in the countryside, far away from the prying eyes of the city. It was a thing of beauty and her prized inheritance, having once belonged to an Earl during different times. She took great care of her home and was more than happy to show it off to the lesser crowd.
Tonight, was no different.

The doors of her home were opened to the wealthy folk of England as she was hosting her annual gala. It was something she was know for and she took great pride in it.
Alethea followed the music and stepped into the large ballroom. It was loud with chatter and laughter. The crowd was drunk and swayed to the rhythmic beat of the music.

"Miss Thornehill, quite the party you have going on here."

Alethea stopped in her tracks, turning around to face the familiar voice.

Vane Hawthorne. A man she immensely despised upon the first time she had met him.

"Mr.Hawthorne, what a surprise to see you here. Do forgive me, but I don't recall seeing your name on the guest list."

The corner of his mouth lifted into a cocky smirk.
"I'm hurt. I thought we were friends." He laughed at her, holding a glass of champagne, "—but there's no need to apologize. I'm certain it must have gone over your head, after all, what exactly can you expect from a ditzy countess?"

Alethea frowned. She hardly knew him, yet he spoke to her in such a loutish tone. She forced a smile.
"Nonsense, I never fail to acknowledge the presence of important company, Mr.Hawthorne." Alethea replied.

"Well it appears there's a first time to everything."

Alethea stared at him. His face was stern, yet calm as he gulped down the remainder of his drink. He stood statue like and flashed her a smile. His long, dark hair was slightly combed and pushed back and his blue eyes twinkled underneath the light. Vane was certainly an attractive man and also very wealthy. He was the owner of large successful brewing company here in London. That was pretty much all she knew about him.

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