VI. Revelations

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"How dare you show up like this, unannounced!"

Alethea screamed as she barged into her study, Carlisle and Esme followed close behind. Her loud voice echoed through out the room. The large door created a thunderous noise startling her guests as it shut closed.

"Have you got no sense of idea as to who I am?! I have an image to retain and I cannot have unwanted foreigners turn up as such!" She berated.

Her hands grabbed one of the glass bottles and opened it with one go. The red liquid rapidly filled the cup she had placed down. Alethea had already drunk so much that night, but at a time like this she desperately needed it.

"It wasn't our intention to disturb, but we wouldn't of done it if it weren't urgent. I plead that you listen to us." Carlisle stated.

Alethea walked around her desk and lazily sat down in the large chair. She tossed one leg over the other and sat back. She drank the liquor and for no particular reason payed attention to the details of the ice cubes as they hit her lips.

"I have no interest in what ever dreadful family matters you have Carlisle. Now leave or would you rather have me call someone to escort you both out?"

"Thea please—" Esme started.

"It's Alethea to you." She rudely interrupted, "You have no right to call me that. You're not my family."

Esme shut her mouth in an instant. It was clear to her now that after all these years her attitude hadn't changed.

"You were once a part of this family, Alethea." Esme whispered. Alethea had to stop for a moment and process what she had just said. Had she heard her right?

"Esme." Carlisle said to her in a stern manner.

Alethea slammed the glass down and stood up from her seat, her hands vigorously clutching the sides of the chair. Her eyes glowed a radiant shade of cerise and her chest began to rise up and down quickly.

"How dare you!" She spat, her voice low and grim. "How dare you show up here and defy my presence with your repulsive lies!"

Esme stepped back, the tone of Alethea's voice frightening her. Esme had no intention of sounding rude.
"I didn't mean to offend." She stammered out, her hand reaching to cover her mouth.

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