VII. Faith

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Renesmee pressed her hand onto Benjamin's cheek, his eyes slightly widening as she showed him the first memories of her life. He smiled and gently grabbed her hands, cupping both of them to form a tiny tornado before releasing it into the air. Renesmee was amazed.

"Benjamin can influence the elements." Edward said as he stood next to Bella.

"And here I get super self-control." She remarked.

Edward was thankful Carlisle had been able to convince Amun and his family to make the long trip to Forks. It seemed their calls for help were working. Still, he couldn't help but feel anxious to hear from Carlisle again.
The sound of loud rusting through the thick woodland caught Edward and Bella off guard. Suddenly, two women emerged from within the dense shrubs.

Bella arched a brow. "Who are they?" She asked.

"Senna and Zafrina, from the Amazon." He answered rather shocked.

"Come on." He added, gesturing her to come closer. Bella took Renesmee's hand and walked towards them.

The arrival of Senna and Zafrina meant that the Cullen's pleads were being heard from even the most remote corners of the world. While the others looked for witnesses closer to home, a patriot Carlisle had first met on the Battlefield of Yorktown became their most unlikely ally.

"Shut up! I hated the first British invasion and I hate the second one even more." The tall man muttered as he held the young male by the throat, gradually squeezing tighter and tighter.

"Even the Beatles? Really Garrett?" Emmett spoke rather enthusiastically.

Garrett smirked. "Old habits die hard."

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Carlisle needs you."

Garrett released the man and he fell to the ground with a large 'thump'.
"Help!" He called out, crawling away.

"Sounds interesting." Garrett started, "—but first, I better finish my meal."

"Help me! Help!"

Rosalie turned away. Garrett caught up to the man and kicked him over. He grabbed the man by the collar of his leather jacket, bringing him face to face. Garrett sank his teeth into his neck and proceeded to drain him of his life.
The loud desperate cries for help suddenly stopped and the dark alleyway became quiet once again.

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