Jesse's P.O.V.
Emma and I were walking along a riverbed in what looked to be an Oregon forest, but too many unfamiliar trees jumped out to actually place it. She was wading through the ankle high water looking off into the distance, her brown braids were softly swaying in the wind. Even though she was only a girl of nine she was a very old soul and wise beyond her years. She knew I had someone I missed dearly on earth. Likewise, I knew she had someone she missed dearly up here. Wherever here was.
Over the years Emma and I found out that all deceased souls came to this place. It's called Elysium, Heaven to most but also not. Elysium is different than Heaven. However, it is Heaven.
In Elysium, everyone gets their own personal Heaven. The fisherman sees lakes full of fish, the farmer sees farms, socialites see parties and so on. All of it is part of the axis mundi, or tree of life. The tree of life is what connects Elysium to the earthly realm. It's also what sends us up here.
Thankfully Emma and I got a shared Heaven,shared Heavens are rare because it means you either have a strong bond or something in common. I suppose its because we both miss Oregon. She loved traveling the large forest area with her mom and I loved just being with Chris. Emma I actually the one that figured out each of the Heavens up here have doors in them to reach the other Heavens so now we can go anywhere we please. I can even see Chris because the tree of life allows the higher realm to watch over the lower realm.
Right now though, Emma and I are focusing on finding Talia, Emma's mom, so I haven't had time to watch him in a couple of days. We're so close to finding her, I can see the change in Emma. She's less beaten down and more like a nine year old should be. We finally reached the door of this side of the Heaven and peeled it back.
Stepping through, we found ourselves on an old highway kind of how I imagine Route 66 to look.
"Who would have a Heaven that looks like this?" Emma questions with a hint of sass tracing her words. I look over at her and she's got both hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised in an inquiring manner.
"I like it. It's vintage." I smirk back at her and fluff her hair with my hand.
"Oh.My.God.Jesse." she gave me a look of death and began smoothing her hair. I sometimes forget she's only nine because she's grown up for her age. Just then I heard a hum in the distance.
" Hey Em. Do you hear that noise?Shhhhh...." I say to her while placing a hand over mouth. She protests but quiets down as the noise gets louder.Just then a group of bikers comes down the stretch of highway in front of us, before we can react we're surrounded. I can see by the vests they wear that in life they were a gang, and in death, well there's a reason why they call it a 'shared heaven'.
"Well lookie 'ear boys. We got us a couple of freeloaders. You two yungins' like sneaking into other people's Heavens?" the man who was most likely the leader asked. The rest of the gang snorted and waited for an answer. When none came, one of the men grabbed for Emma.
"Don't.Ever.Fucking.Touch.Emma!" I yelled as my fist collided with the solid wall that was the face of the nearest biker.
"You shouldn't 'ave done that boy." the man said as he rubbed his cheek. I was fairly sure my hand was broken.The gang converged on me. I felt kicks punches and jabs all to my chest and ribs. I yelled for Emma to run, to not look, to hide. She's a great listener when he wants to be. I didn't see where she went but long after the gang was gone and she came back I felt a sense of déjà vu wash over me.
Emma. My Emma, was standing over me...and then the world went black.
I hate this chapter too
Sectional champs 2 times now Nicole! sooo proud bae
Also love you Gabi you'll do great at races this weekend
Your brother is still a piece of though

Gym Class Sorrow [Book 2]
Romance•••Chris has settled into his accounting job but still wears his grief on his sleeve. It's been four years and he just can't seem to move on from Jesse Young. Will all that change when a handsome new guy comes to work at the office...