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When I was just a little girl my mother had this beautiful Black and white cat. It was a rather fat cat and wasn't very nice. This cat, however, was the best cat for hunting mice so we kept it. The cat stayed with us for about ten years. I never liked it much but I loved to watch it hunt. It was a soothing pastime. 
The cat died as all things must. We did miss her some but not enough to get another cat after. I was about seventeen at the time. It wasn't until I turned nineteen that strange things started happening.
I'd get random glimpses of black and white moving across the road or hallway. When I would cook dinner pieces of chicken or beef would go missing. I always just assumed it was my younger brother playing tricks on me. That was until it started happening in our yards. I would be sitting at our table with my brother next to me and see the movement.  
The first iPhone had just come out. I asked a friend to stay over so we could use hers to video us sleeping. She agreed but she also thought I was just trying to scare her. We set up her phone and went to sleep.
The next day we looked through the video. there was a few times it looked like something was moving. my friend always had an explanation for it. I decided I was just crazy and being paranoid.
I wasn't sure what it was until one night the year I turned twenty. I was having a fire with some friends at my house. I still haven't moved out yet so it was in my parents' field. I was going to grab more wood. when I got to the pile there was the cat. sitting in the 
wood holding a mouse in its jaw. I blinked and it was gone. everything sort of clicked into place. 
Ever since that day, that's cats been around my parents' house. I sometimes still see it. Its blue eyes starring at me while I watch it back. No one believes me but that just makes me feel like it's true.

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