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When I say that I've read about things like this and never thought it would happen to me, would be an understatement. The things I'm about to tell you, have happened before. However, I got out lucky. 
When I was younger I had a job at a store a few miles from my home. I drove there every day. My mom would always ask that I get gas before dark, in fear of me getting hurt. I was a five-foot five-inch twig of a boy. Being honest I also wasn't much of a fighter.
One night I was late for work. As a result, I couldn't get gas before. When my shift was done it was probably eleven at night. My tank just so happened to be empty enough I wouldn't be able to make it home. I stopped at the gas station and filled up.
The whole time the cashier was staring at me. It made me tense. I leaned against my car. The nozzle popped and I took it out. The intercom ringed. " Sir your transaction did not go through. I need you to come in the storm." I was confused. How did I get the gas if my money didn't go through? I walked into the station. Right as I got in the cashier pulled me behind the counter and locked the door. " What are you doing?" 
I looked at the camera monitor to see my car. One of the back doors was open. A sketchy old man crawled out of my car. I was frozen in shock. The cashier had called the police and called me in because he didn't want me to drive away with him in there.
The police showed up, gave me an escort home, and said they would notify me if they caught the guy. 
I got a call a few weeks later saying they had caught him. He was a mugger, breaking into people's houses. I got off very lucky compared to some of the poor people he mugged.

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