Chapter 6 - You owe me

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Xia already had so many ideas on how she would kill everyone in the palace and then herself, to not have to bear the humiliation any longer. It was utterly degrading to be sitting in a cage, or getting watched by the disgusting slug or by any other visitors or bystanders he had.

They had just gotten food, placed in little boxes that got pushed through the bars. Xia didn't touch it. This was degrading. This was beneath her, and she wouldn't get treated like this.

She didn't really have an escape plan yet, knowing that the Jedi was here as well made it difficult to concentrate. That accursed Jedi... If not for him, she would have never even ended up here.

Her abilities to use the Force were handicapped. Something hindered her. Otherwise she would have surely considered blowing something up.But it seemed like there would be no ka-booming here. Maybe it was the cage. Maybe it was the stupid Jedi's presence. Whatever it was, she couldn't figure it out, and it made her boil with rage. She felt like a failure. She couldn't even escape something as simple as this. The determination she had earlier seemed gone. She didn't know where the wellspring had vanished. But this situation seemed hopeless. She couldn't figure out how to get out of this place without using the Force.

Xia sat on the bottom of the cage, holding her knees. She wasn't an exotic creature to be gawked at. She stared into the nearest corner. She was good for nothing, she deemed. She had failed a mission yet again. Odian would likely just kill her if she ever showed up there again- if she did. She truly was but a failure.

The brilliantly indigo-coloured Twi'lek hung upside down from one of the silk banners, seemingly asleep. Xia wondered where her lightsaber had ended up, and whether she would ever see it again. If she was unlucky, the Mandalorian bounty hunter had kept it.

She got delirious again.

It's about to happen.

Her eyes snapped back open when she heard it. She looked over to the Twi'lek, but she was asleep. Xia shook her head, as if trying to shake the voice out.

She was distraught, but then suddenly, something happened. The cage got lifted off the ground by some more servants, and was carried toward what looked to be a manual elevator. The cage was transported on to the lower floor, and there was also the circular roman-style performance area Xia had seen from above. On the tiered seating platforms there were already servants sitting, either talking to one another, leisuring, or looking towards the bars before the wide, circular arena-looking center.

Their cage got put on a platform before the middle area, underneath what looked to be yet another throne for the Slug. Another platform across the amphitheater had a slave playing something like a large Harp.

The fat slug- Fabbix Woth- was carried by his servants into the throne, and he made some sounds in his unintelligible language. The servants started cheering.

Out of an opening on one opposide of the ground area, stumbled the Jedi, conscious this time but somehow looked to be in even worse condition than earlier, and behind him followed a man she hadn't seen before- or so she thought. But she recognized the way he walked, and the manner in which he held his body Quickly she realized that she was looking at Lox Dread, but stripped of his armor.

Lox Dread had silvery blonde hair, a long aristocratic nose, high cheekbones, and since he had slight lines of age on his face, she couldnt tell whether his hair had that colour from age or naturally. He was well-shaven, and his skin was toned and athletic, and of rather lean build. She guessed that he and the Hutt didn't exactly see eye to eye about the deal. Still, she wondered how his deal could have possibly went so terribly wrong. But she guessed he deserved that, after almost having killed her with poison- which was likely unintentional, but she would still take revenge on him for it later.

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