Chapter 7 - Moraband

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It was refreshing to be dead.

Xia had gone undercover since her return from Coruscant. So far, no one knew that she had made it out of the collapsing place alive, aside from Mey. 

Mey had decided to stay on Coruscant for a while, but wanted to find her own ways soon.

Mey had only implied that she had been in the Hutt's palace for a long time, far too long, for example she hadn't known about the ongoing clone wars.

Xia didn't doubt that Mey would find her place in the world. Her own place, however... she wasn't certain. But for now, she would go to Moraband to settle some business.

She sensed of ancient powers sleeping hazily on the abandoned planet.

If there was power to be had, she wanted some of it.

She also had the slight hope that the voices that had been urging her to go to Moraband would silence once she had gone there. She hadn't slept a lot recently. It wasn't good for her. Her left eye had started twitching more often.

She was not far from the planet now, she could see the faintly brownish-red planet grow marginally bigger as she closed in. She was tired. She could feel her eyes attempting to close, and she rung with herself to keep awake. Her mind wandered. She wondered what occupation Mey would take on, after having been stuck with the Hutt for so long. She wondered what occupation she herself would take on, if Darth Odian hadn't raised her to be an assassin and thief. She could hardly remember her short time as a Jedi padawan- and much less the time before that. But she knew she did have a life, a family. 

She wondered what had happened to them, whether they had willingly given her away, or whether they had been forced to. But it was like that memory was veiled- wrapped in a deep, impenetrable dark mist, as if hidden from her intentionally.

It was quiet in the starfighter aside from the faint, monotonous sounds of the ship, and her monitors didn't show anything new. Moraband was mostly abandoned nowadays anyways. Her burning eyes drifted over the red flashing hardware without registering anything, feeling so heavy, begging her to close them for just a little second...
She didn't notice that she started dozing off. Sleep grabbed her by force, and her mind went blank. Finally, silence, if even just for a little bit....

She started dreaming.

This one was a memory from a very long time ago, one that she had almost forgotten about. 

"I told you, I'm not going again!" A young Xia groaned.

Naya's silvery eyes glistened in annoyance from across the field. "No Jedi has ever had a more difficult Padawan than me."

"It's no good! I just can't do it."

"I saw you almost do it yesterday. I know you can. Go again, now, no complaints!"

Xia sighed, and sat down with her legs crossed.

Between her and the Togruta sat a medium-sized rock on the field.

Xia meditated, focused, but no matter how hard she tried, the rock wouldn't budge. Naya sighed. She got up, as another Jedi approached. It must be master Khas again, a Jedi master, who didn't seem all too patient with the young padawan. Xia pretended to keep meditating, but overheard them talking.

"I see your padawan is still stubborn. Almost all her peers have already advanced past this level."

"She just needs more time" Naya explained.

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