Chapter 12 - Lover

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Xia Lost finished up her workout. She gave the mannequin another quick, calculated kick to the wooden face, her black mane flying around her as she twisted around swiftly, delivering a salvo of punches, hailing from his chest up to his throat.

She thought of the human Jedi. She just longed to defeat him in combat. Her hatred for him was an unquenchable wellspring, which kept nourishing her, urging her to fight better, harder, and more cruel.

Then, her thoughts circled back to Odian- no, she corrected herself- Vitriol. She tried her best not to think about it. She had to keep herself occupied as to not think about what had happened. She couldn't give in to the memories, or what they might cause within her.

She told herself that losing him had been necessary. It had been a trial, to see whether she was capable of killing him, fully giving in to the Dark Side and accepting her destiny- her destiny to become a powerful Sith.

She supported herself on her knees, catching her breath. It was important to keep training physically, even as a force user. Not only did a good physical form aid vastly in battle, it also helped keep in touch with the Force.

She turned away from the mannequin and stepped over to the shower, where she dropped her clothing before stepping in.

Hot steam and droplets of water washed over her. The sizzling heat was torment on her sweaty skin, but she sighed in relief. Her pleasure was short-lived, however, when she heard a beeping noise.

Ah, her communication device. She picked it up.

The familiar voice of her second-in-command on the ship sounded. "Approaching landing course, Captain."

"I'll be there." she responded, and put it back down. Right, Duty.

She quickly got dressed again and went back upstairs, where she monitored the ship's speed and movements before deciding everything was within normal measures.

Xia spotted an elderly human pirate near the control rooms. "Tar" she addressed him.


"Go and tell our prisoner that we are about to land on Coruscant."

His expression twisted into confusion, and he raised an eyebrow. "But we are not landing on-"

"Are you hard of hearing?" she snarled back, stretching a black-clawed hand out for him threateningly, stepping towards him slowly. "Maybe I should come a little closer. I think, Force Choke might help with your hearing."

"No- no, that won't be necessary" he responded quickly, backing off, scratched over his beard stubble in nervosity before loosening himself from whatever he had been doing, and went on his way.

The Pirates had educated her that the Republic had recently regained control over the city that hovered over the beautiful gas giant Bespin. She hadn't been able to follow the war closely, but something told her the Seperatists wouldn't let the Republic hold Cloud City for a long time. Xia had seen a few Republic scouts near the orbit of Bespin, and they hadn't even attempted to follow her ship, so seemingly, they had better things to do. Though she wasn't sure the Republic even knew that she was alive and kicking, still.

But they would know soon, she'd make sure of that.

So far, the Jedi and their Republic had been lousy at tracking her down. She was a fugitive and a wanted criminal, wasn't she? Yet she was experiencing a rather disappointing lack of Jedi making attempts on her life. Back when she had been with Vitriol, they'd experienced some raids by the Jedi Order a handful of times.

But the last time anyone had tried tracking her down had been the bounty hunter Lox Dread, who had succeeded in it, too. He'd merely been lucky, of course. She could still smash her head against the wall in frustration of having been reckless enough to get herself poisoned and captured!

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