Chapter 8: Xia Lost, Tomb Raider

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At first, she thought she had went blind.

She was pretty sure her eyes were open, but she couldn't see a thing. 

There was no source of light.

Why was it dark?

The air was stale, humid, stuffy, and smelled of ammonia and mold. 

How was that possible?

She had last been inside her ship, attempting to fix it with the various equipment she had retrieved.

Why was she no longer inside the ship?

She used her hands to get up, and touched a sand-covered ground. 

Well, now she was properly confused. Xia deemed she must have fallen asleep while working, but where was she? How did she get here?

This was not a pleasant circumstance to wake up. Why did something always happen when she fell asleep? The powers that be, truly seemed to dislike her having a little nap.

Maybe she would simply have to grow powerful enough to overcome the need to sleep, then maybe, stupid things would stop happening.

That sounded plausible, she decided. She would work on that.

To test whether she had went blind or whether it was truly dark, she took out her lightsaber and turned it on, and hooray- she was not blind. 

The hungrily flickering red light illuminated a large hall, underground, according to the moldy air and lack of fresh oxygen. It reeked, and if she still had her cloak, she would have used it to cover her mouth and nose now. But she didn't have it, therfore she would have to suffer.

She looked around. The ground was covered in dark sand, beneath it she could presume solid stone ground cut out of huge blocks of rock, sand particles having set in to the beautiful, ornate patterns on the stone ground. 

There were large statues of humanoids in the hall, wearing long robes, hands folded over staffs, and their heads held down, as if they were slumbering guardians. 

At the end of the room she could see a staircase leading upwards, next to it was one that led downwards. Stepping closer, she could see that the walls had tattered banners on it, and hieroglyph writings. 

She inspected the tracks in the sand and traced them a few steps, and with a sudden dismay she realized that there was no second pair of footsteps. There was only one pair of footsteps in the sand, and it was her own. 

No one had abducted her, she had done it to herself. 

She had sleepwalked.

A power lingered in these ruins. It gave Xia a cold shudder down her spine. 

Something was alive in here. Something was watching her. 

A chilly draught of air passing by made her shiver. The air wasn't fresh wind from the upper level, it was stale and.. no, she didn't want to think about it.

And there she heard it again- this eldritch voice.

I have called out to you, and at last, you have come.

Xia made the connection that this was a Sith temple. 

"You!" she yelled in alarm, "it was you all along, wasn't it?"

Ohh, I sense you so much better now. So full of fire, force, and life...

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