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Jisoo's POV
Today was so fun I learned that Rosé's girlfriend was my girlfriend' s photographer, I wanted to tell Jennie about that for sure she will be happy but unnie said that keep that as a surprised.

"Jis you're daydreaming again" Seulgi shout at me.

"I'm just excited that after 5 months I will see Jennie again, Gosh I'm so happy I have so many things to tell her especially the coincidence about Rosé and her girlfriend" I said excitedly.

"Okay okay but how can you tell her that Rosé is the girl with you last day and the reason why you can't answer your phone" Seulgi said raising her eyebrow.

"Well I will tell her everything"

"As if it was that easy" Seulgi said. I was taken away from what she said yeah it was not that easy especially with Jennie.

"I will try my best to fix everything, the most important thing today is that I'm going to see her again"

"This is it I will not let this opportunity go" I said to my mind. I'm so happy but some part of me feels different I can't explain it but it somehow hurts me but I don't want to think about it maybe it's just that I'm so excited to see her.

Jennie's POV
Jisoo was trying to reach me out for many times but I always declined it, it's not because I'm mad at her it's just that I can't take it talking to her like nothing is happening, talk to her normally and sweetly even though I'm cheating. After what happened I'm starting to feel scared, scare of losing her I think maybe that's the sign that I need to make a decision now, who will I choose to stay and who will I choose to let go. In my mind and in my heart I'm choosing Jisoo I love her so much she's my everything and I can't lose her, I want to grow old with her and I want to build a family with her. I already planned a future with her because I already see ourselves carrying our child and now that everything is a mess I'm afraid that I might lose that dreams, everybody will definitely been fall in love with her she's so pure and she has an amazing personality that anyone can't resist to be in love with her and that's what making me feel so scared what if she fall in love too what will happen to me? To us? There are so many questions running in my head and at the same time my heart is in deeply pain. And about Lisa I don't know why I can't let her go she's so special to me but not as special like Jisoo. I don't want to lose her but I can't see myself growing old with her so I can't answer my questions why I can't let her go in fact she already has a girlfriend and as I see she loves that girl so much.

"Why do I need to be in this situation? Ahhhh what a mess what did I do in my next life to deserve this?"

"Maybe because you're so beautiful" I almost jump when mina suddenly speak.

"Gosh you're going to kill me" I said and we both chuckles

"What's the matter? Jisoo or Lisa?" she asked, she knew about my relationship with Lisa and that Jisoo was my girlfriend.

"Both" I said sighing

"You know that I already give you an advice about this" Yeah she is honestly she give me an advice for a thousand times but I always ignored her, she honestly didn't like Lisa and I's relationship she already said it to me

"What should I do?"

"What do you feel?"

"I'm scared of losing Jisoo and all my dreams with her she's my life and I can't imagine living without her, but at the same time a part of me don't want to lose Lisa"

"You're crazy"

"I know okay"

"You said that Jisoo is the one that you love the what about Lisa did you love her?"

"I don't know"

"That's the answer choose Jisoo because that's what your heart says, you just love Lisa as a friend you can't love her like how you love Jisoo"

I think about what she says maybe she's right.

Lisa's POV
Jennie and I are in good terms but even she's not saying it I feel that she wants to end this, in the very first place I knew that this time will come she will choose her girlfriend. I already prepared myself for this but I just didn't expect that this will hurt so much, I have a girlfriend but I know in myself that I love Jennie more than I love Rosé. I don't want to lose Jennie I know that Jisoo will gonna win in her heart and anytime soon I will lose her because she will choose Jisoo over me.

"What's with that girl that I don't have? Why Jennie can't choose me over her?" I said to myself.
I know that loving Jennie is a big mistake but is there any wrong things when it comes to love? Yeah I have a girlfriend but what if I love Jennie more than her is that still wrong?. So many things comes up to my mind, but one thing is clear I can't let Jennie choose Jisoo and left me alone I can't live with that.

Rosé POV
Today is Jisoo and I's flight to New York and we're both excited. We safely landed in New York without our girlfriends knowing I was so happy today finally I would be with Lisa again but at the same time I was a little nervous, I didn't mind it because all I is I was very happy. Jisoo and I arrived at the hotel they're staying and we headed straight at their apartment only one of their co-worker knew that we're here because we us her where are they she said that they are together in Jennie's apartment maybe they're working. We are infront of the door now we took a deep breath before we open it the hotel staff gave us a duplicate key. When I open the door I'm shocked on what I see I can't believed it I hope my eyes are lying because I can't take it, this couldn't be true I saw Lisa kissing Jennie.  

Sorr for the long update 😅

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