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Jennie POV
I tried to forget her and accept that maybe we're not meant to be but I can't I tried so many times but I always failed, Jisoo became a big part of my life and its so hard to erased her. Next week is my birthday actually I didn't want to celebrate it but my parents insisted, I know my birthday will never gonna be the same as I was with Jisoo and I will just gonna be sad regretting the mistake I did. My parents already knew what I do at first they're so angry at me they said that I hurt the most precious girl and Jisoo doesn't deserve me at all well they're actually right but as the time fast they forgave me because they see that I really regret what I did.

"What did you want on your birthday?" mom asked she's now planning my birthday celebration.

"Anything mom just do what you want" I said.

"It's your birthday party, what's with that answer?" mom said annoyed.

"Mom my mind didn't processing now I just can't give you an answer"

"What's the matter?" mom asked me worriedly.

"Nothing mom, it's just that I can't focus"

"Is this about Jisoo? I know you still regretting what you did but please don't change who you are ever since Jisoo left I didn't see you smile again you always spend your time working I missed the old you" mom said with a teary eyes.

"Mom I don't know how, I don't know how to not blame myself and be okay after everything I've done I can't". Mom's actually right I must not change myself but I just don't know how to be okay after everything I did.

Lisa's POV
5 months since I've lost everything, I've lost my job, my friends started to hate me, my life lost its direction and I've lost the woman I'd love the most. Maybe this is my punishment I think I deserve this I'm so bad I hurt the most wonderful I've met. I'm here in the place where it'll starts its so painful because everything will gonna be just a memory but I know I needed to face the consequences of my mistake but honestly I don't know where to start or can I ever restart again. This place makes me remember her and the happy days we've spent together if I just don't hurt her maybe she's now here with me making another memories in this place but no she will not be here anymore.

"Rosé I miss you so much I'm sorry I hurt you I know this words are nonsense but I wanted you to know that I regret what I did" I said crying. I miss her so much.

                            You'll always be a part of me, I'm part of you indefinitely
                          No way that you can escape this oh darling cause you always
                                                                         Be my baby

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